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QTP使用Excel ROW比较Webtable行

[英]QTP Compare Webtable Row with Excel ROW

I have a Webtable with 10 rows and similar table in Excel sheet with 100 rows of data. 我有一个包含10行的Web表,并且Excel工作表中有一个包含100行数据的类似表。

I need to check whether the 10 rows of webtable data is present in excel and also need to print in which row in exc enter image description here el it is matching. 我需要检查Excel中是否存在10行Web表格数据,还需要打印ex的哪一行在此处输入图像描述 ,以匹配它。

You haven't provided any details about your webtable, so I am assuming it has only column with multiple rows.if it has multiple initiate an array and then compare it. 您尚未提供有关Webtable的任何详细信息,因此我假设它只有一列包含多行。如果它有多个,则初始化一个数组然后进行比较。 It will return true if all the values in the excel matches with the webtable. 如果excel中的所有值都与webtable匹配,它将返回true。

Function Chktbl (coulmnname,sheetname,tblname)
Chktbl = True 
Dim marray,excelop,weblistcount,l,m,k
l = datatable.LocalSheet.GetRowCount
For m = 1 To l
datatable.LocalSheet.SetCurrentRow m
webcount = Browser("name:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Webtable("name:="&tblname).Rowcount
For k = 1 to webcount
marray =  Browser("name:=.*").Page("title:=.*").Webtable("name:="&tblname).getcelldata (k,1)
If excelop= "" Then
Exit For    
End If
If Ucase(excelop) = Ucase(trim(marray)) Then

Exit For
ElseIf k = webcount Then
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"No match","Fail"
Chktbl = False
Exit For 

End If


Next 下一个

End Function 结束功能

First, read into an array your rows of data from the WebTable 首先,将WebTable中的数据行读入数组

Dim Table, CheckArray
Set Table = Browser("YourBrowser").Page("YourPage").WebTable("YourTable")
ReDim CheckArray(Table.RowCount - 1)  ' Arrays index from 0, table rows from 1
For iLoop = 1 to Table.RowCount
    CheckArray(iLoop-1) = Table.GetCellData(iLoop, 1)

Once you have this array you can loop through each value and check against the Excel table. 一旦有了该数组,就可以遍历每个值并对照Excel表进行检查。 There are a few ways you could achieve this. 有几种方法可以实现此目的。

  1. Load the excel table as a datatable and iterate through the rows looking for the matches 将excel表加载为数据表并遍历各行以查找匹配项
  2. Directly query the file using SQL to check if the values in the web table exist 使用SQL直接查询文件以检查Web表中的值是否存在
  3. Access the file via the COM approach and use Excel's Find functionality to locate your data. 通过COM方法访问文件,并使用Excel的“查找”功能查找数据。

The least complex of these is 1, so I'll detail that approach here: 其中最小的复杂度为1,因此我将在此处详细说明该方法:

Datatable.Import("YourExcelFilePathHere.xls", Global)
iRowsToCheck = DataTable.GetRowCount
For iLoop = 0 to Ubound(CheckArray)
    bFound = False
    For iSubLoop = 1 to iRowsToCheck
        If CheckArray(iLoop) = Datatable.Value("ColumnName") Then
            bFound = True
            Exit For
        End If
    If bFound Then
        CheckArray(iLoop) = CheckArray(iLoop) & " was found"
        CheckArray(iLoop) = CheckArray(iLoop) & " was not found"
    End If

This imports your excel file, and for each element in the webtable array, checks for it in the excel table. 这将导入您的excel文件,并针对webtable数组中的每个元素在excel表中进行检查。 If found, it exits and marks the array item as found. 如果找到,它将退出并将数组项标记为找到。 If it completes without setting bFound to True then it wasn't found and updates accordingly. 如果在未将bFound设置为True的情况下bFound ,则找不到它并进行相应更新。

You can then output the content of your array as you please to get your results. 然后,您可以根据需要输出数组的内容以获取结果。

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