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[英]Bucardo replication from slave to master

Some context first; 首先要有上下文

I'm currently dealing with an event that my company is attending and we want to have people sign up from our live, production environment and have our event kit pull new signups from that as such that they'll be recognised by kit we're running locally at the event. 我目前正在处理我公司正在参加的活动,我们希望让人们在我们的现场,生产环境中进行注册,并让我们的活动工具包从中获取新的注册,这样他们将被我们所接受的工具包所认可在事件本地运行。

Now, because of the ad-hoc nature it makes sense to have the replication agent on the slave and call out (via a VPN) to our production server. 现在,由于临时性,将复制代理放在从属服务器上并通过我们的生产服务器调出(通过VPN)变得很有意义。

I've set up Bucardo on our event kit, configured the master as the remote machine and the slave on the local machine. 我在事件工具包上设置了Bucardo,将主设备配置为远程计算机,将从设备配置为本地计算机。

Doing my first sync seems just to last forever, using Bucardo to ping the process times out, so I assume nothing's running. 使用Bucardo ping进程超时,执行第一次同步似乎将永远持续下去,因此我认为没有任何反应。

Is it even possible to run this way round? 甚至有可能以这种方式运行吗? Or does the master always have to be the local system? 还是主机始终必须是本地系统?

Help/advice appreciated. 帮助/建议表示赞赏。

Cheers, 干杯,

Dave. 戴夫

I may be wrong .... but I don't think you can replicate from slave (without making it as master also), it has to be from master. 我可能是错的....但是我不认为您可以从从服务器复制(也不能使其成为主服务器),它必须是从主服务器复制的。

One alternative might be to just use plain \\copy via a job scheduler. 一种替代方法是仅通过作业计划程序使用普通\\ copy。

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