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Fiware KeyRock SCIM API错误:_check_allowed_to_get_and_assign()获得了意外的关键字参数'userName'

[英]Fiware KeyRock SCIM API bug: _check_allowed_to_get_and_assign() got an unexpected keyword argument 'userName'

We want to use the FIWARE IdM, both Keystone and Horizon. 我们想要使用Keystone和Horizo​​n的FIWARE IDM。 Specifically during sign-up we want to 特别是在注册过程中,我们希望

  • create a user 创建一个用户
  • add that user to an organisation 将该用户添加到组织中
  • authorise the user for an application 授权用户申请

We have installed Keystone and Horizon using the latest KeyRock docker image on the docker hub ( https://hub.docker.com/r/fiware/idm/ ). 我们已经在docker hub( https://hub.docker.com/r/fiware/idm/ )上使用最新的KeyRock docker映像安装了Keystone和Horizo​​n。

Because the KeyRock web interface creates Cloud organisations, community users in regions like Spain etc i decided to try to use the SCIM API to create and authorize users: 由于KeyRock Web界面创建了Cloud组织,因此西班牙等地区的社区用户决定尝试使用SCIM API创建和授权用户:

Note : The SCIM API documents ( http://docs.keyrock.apiary.io/#reference/scim-2.0 ) imply the SCIM calls are on the KeyRock server port, however they are available on the Keystone server port. 注意 :SCIM API文档( http://docs.keyrock.apiary.io/#reference/scim-2.0 )暗示SCIM调用在KeyRock服务器端口上,但是在Keystone服务器端口上可用。 The SCIM documentation would be clearer if it mentioned http://[keystone server]/v3/OS-SCIM/v2/Users/ instead of http://keyrock/v3/OS-SCIM/v2/Users/ 如果SCIM文档中提到的是http:// [keystone服务器] / v3 / OS-SCIM / v2 / Users /而不是http:// keyrock / v3 / OS-SCIM / v2 / Users /

Lets say we have an application (SCIM consumer) with application_id=app1. 假设我们有一个带有application_id = app1的应用程序(SCIM使用者)。 This application is created using the Horizon front-end, or using the 此应用程序是使用Horizo​​n前端或使用

    POST /v3/OS-OAUTH2/consumers 

call. 呼叫。 I am not aware of a difference between the two ways of creating an application although i have not tried the latter yet. 尽管我还没有尝试过创建应用程序的两种方式,但是我还没有意识到这两种方法之间的差异。 This is a one-time operation, so we used the web interface to create the application and associated role. 这是一次操作,因此我们使用Web界面来创建应用程序和相关角色。

so we have a role for the application = role1 所以我们对应用程序有一个角色= role1

and we create a user using SCIM 然后使用SCIM创建一个用户

POST /v3/OS-SCIM/v2/Users/

that yields user_id=user1 产生user_id = user1

When i try to authorize him for our application with 当我尝试授权他与我们一起申请时

PUT /v3/OS-ROLES/users/user1/applications/app1/roles/role1

i get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

    "error": {
    "message": "_check_allowed_to_get_and_assign() got an unexpected keyword argument 'userName'",
    "code": 400,
    "title": "Bad Request"

The next step would be to obtain a resource owner token through KeyRock using 下一步将是使用以下方法通过KeyRock获取资源所有者令牌:

POST [KeyStone server]/oauth2/token

But that is moot because of the above error. 但这是有争议的,因为上面的错误。

Logging into the KeyRock user interface with user1 gives the error: "You are not authorized for any projects." 使用user1登录到KeyRock用户界面会出现错误:“您无权进行任何项目。” I assume this is because user1 is not authorized for an organisation. 我认为这是因为user1没有获得组织授权。 user1 is invisible to other users or the admin in the KeyRock user interface so i cannot assign the necessary authorizations. user1对其他用户或KeyRock用户界面中的admin不可见,因此我无法分配必要的授权。

Any ideas anyone? 有任何想法吗? Which roles does user1 still need to have and how to assign them so that KeyRock is satisfied? user1仍然需要拥有哪些角色,以及如何分配它们才能满足KeyRock的要求?

After looking deep into your issue, it turns out that it might be related to the lack of the new user's default organization . 在深入研究您的问题之后,事实证明这可能与缺少新用户的默认组织有关 Even though requests to SCIM API Users endpoint should create only users, it is certain that KeyRock users have internally a default organization, which cannot be seen from the outside. 即使对SCIM API用户终结点的请求应仅创建用户,但可以肯定KeyRock用户在内部具有默认组织,这从外部看不到。 Since it makes sense to create this organization automatically as well, we just made a few improvements in the SCIM controller at KeyRock that take charge of this. 由于也可以自动创建该组织,因此我们在KeyRock的SCIM控制器中做了一些改进,以进行管理。 You can take a look at the changes in our GitHub repository . 您可以查看GitHub存储库中的更改。

I myself made sure that this should solve your issue, by following the same flow (note that the value of the X-Auth-Token header is an admin token and that the Host header should be your Keystone endpoint): 我本人通过遵循相同的流程来确保这可以解决您的问题(请注意, X-Auth-Token标头的值是一个管理令牌,而Host标头应该是您的Keystone端点):

  1. Register a user through SCIM API: 通过SCIM API 注册用户

     POST /v3/OS-SCIM/v2/Users HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:5000 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: 6bd914d9976c448a98b83ccaf5931c4e Content-Length: 55 { "userName": "foo@foo.bar", "password": "foobar" } 

    Which returns the following response: 它返回以下响应:

     HTTP/1.1 201 Created Vary: X-Auth-Token Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 276 { "userName": "foo@foo.bar", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:keystone:2.0": { "domain_id": "default", "default_project_id": "c590cea2b37c4f1c9ca94a015837cde9" }, "active": true, "id": "foo-foo-bar", "schemas": [ "urn:scim:schemas:core:2.0", "urn:scim:schemas:extension:keystone:2.0" ] } 
  2. Authorize the newly created user for the application app1 by assigning them the role role1 : 通过为他们分配角色role1来为应用程序app1 授权新创建的用户

     PUT /v3/OS-ROLES/users/foo-foo-bar/applications/app1/roles/role1 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:5000 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: fd817b31444141a7a8a15d6d6afd2078 

    Which in turn returns the following success response: 依次返回以下成功响应:

     HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Vary: X-Auth-Token Content-Length: 0 
  3. After this, I was finally able to obtain a resource owner OAuth2 token , as you requested (the Authorization header includes the OAuth2 credentials of app1 ). 之后,我终于能够按照您的请求获取资源所有者OAuth2令牌Authorization标头包含app1的OAuth2凭据)。

     POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: */* Authorization: Basic 12345678abcdefgh= Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 56 grant_type=password&username=foo@foo.bar&password=foobar 

    And the token is at last returned: 令牌最终返回:

     HTTP/1.0 200 OK Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie Content-Type: application/json { "access_token": "JYjCV2H8QNakRPUqqdoAHZmpmD0vgQ", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "snnS8djsYw62aUtl9Szk9BBqti36jF" } 

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