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无法呈现 Swifty 按钮的实例:dlopen(SwiftyButton.framework, 1):库未加载

[英]Failed to render instance of Swifty Button: dlopen(SwiftyButton.framework, 1): Library not loaded

I just added a pod called " SwiftyButton " into my Podfile and pod install .我刚刚在我的 Podfile 和pod install添加了一个名为“ SwiftyButton ”的pod install Then I added both "PureLayout" and "SwiftyButton" into the "Linked Framework and Libraries" thingy.然后我将“PureLayout”和“SwiftyButton”都添加到“Linked Framework and Libraries”中。

In the storyboard, I changed a UIButton 's class to "SwiftyButton" and this error pops up:在情节提要中,我将UIButton的类更改为“SwiftyButton”并弹出此错误:

Failed to render instance of Swifty Button: dlopen(SwiftyButton.framework, 1): Library not loaded: @rpath/PureLayout.frameowrk/PureLayout Referenced from: SwiftyButton.framework Reasom: image not found.无法呈现 Swifty 按钮的实例:dlopen(SwiftyButton.framework, 1):库未加载:@rpath/PureLayout.frameowrk/PureLayout 引用自:SwiftyButton.framework 原因:找不到图像。

I have searched a lot of stack overflow posts and I tried a lot of the solutions, including我搜索了很多堆栈溢出的帖子,并尝试了很多解决方案,包括

  • setting the Runpath search path in Build Settings在构建设置中设置运行路径搜索路径
  • removing the frameworks from the Linked Frameworks and libraries从链接框架和库中删除框架
  • cleaning the project清理项目
  • pod install

But they all didn't work.但他们都没有工作。 The error is still there!错误依旧!

I have also seen this question but I have no idea what the answer is talking about.我也看过这个问题,但我不知道答案在说什么。 It seems not related to Cocoapods.它似乎与 Cocoapods 无关。

I solved the problem by uninstalling the prerelease version of cocoapods.我通过卸载 cocoapods 的预发布版本解决了这个问题。

First, I ran this command:首先,我运行了这个命令:

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods

Then it prompted me to choose a version of the gem to uninstall, so I chose 2, which is the prerelease version.然后它提示我选择要卸载的gem的版本,所以我选择了2,也就是预发布版本。

After that I checked the version of cocoapods to see whether it is the newest stable version:之后我查看了cocoapods的版本,看是不是最新的稳定版本:

pod --version

and it is!确实如此! (0.39.0) (0.39.0)

And then I navigated back to the project directory and did:然后我导航回项目目录并执行以下操作:

pod update

Finally, I opened Xcode and it seems to be working!最后,我打开了 Xcode,它似乎可以工作了!

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