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[英]Accessing properties from another form

I have a form with some elements in it. 我有一个包含一些元素的表单。 I want to access the data from that form in my main one. 我想从我的主表单中访问该表单中的数据。 I tried doing the following: 我尝试过以下操作:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Properties.Settings.Default.emailServer = textBox1.Text;
            Properties.Settings.Default.emailServerPort = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;
            Properties.Settings.Default.emailServerSsl = (radioButton1.Checked == true) ? true : false;

I can load it perfectly fine in the existing form using this code: 我可以使用以下代码在现有表单中完美地加载它:

private void EmailSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBox1.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.emailServer;
            numericUpDown1.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.emailServerPort;
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.emailServerSsl == true)
                radioButton1.Checked = true;
                radioButton1.Checked = false;

HOWEVER, my issue is that I can't access Properties from my main form. 但是,我的问题是我无法从我的主表单访问Properties So I still can't access the data from that form. 所以我仍然无法访问该表单中的数据。 How can I access the data either from properties in my main form or from another form? 如何从主表单或其他表单中的属性访问数据?

You have changed settings .You can access to settings from every where from your project . 您已更改设置。您可以从项目的每个位置访问设置。 Here you have set settings in form2 then you can access it from main form 您在此处设置了form2中的设置,然后您可以从主窗体中访问它

 var setting=Properties.Settings.Default.YourSetting;

If namespace in form2 and main form are different You must write like 如果form2和main形式的命名空间不同你必须写得像

var setting=namespaceOfForm2.Properties.Settings.Default.YourSetting;

Also you can below solution 你也可以在解决方案之下

On the second form create a property 在第二个表单上创建一个属性

public yourType yourProperty { get;set;}

Store your data to it 将数据存储到它

// set this.DialogResult property if you successfully     stored data

And from main form get it 从主要形式得到它

Form2 f=new Form2();
    var yourData=f.yourProperty;

Example: 例:

On form2: 在form2上:

public string Name { get; set;}
public void methodThatYouSetData()

On main form: 在主要表格上:

Form2 f=new Form2();
    string Name=f.Name;

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