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[英]button alignment in css

I have declared the button as, 我已将按钮声明为

<button id='submitExpectedJ0' type='button'></button>

I need to align it to right, i tried with 我需要将其调整到正确的位置,我尝试过

style= 'float: right;'

on the widget ID it didnt work, In chrome its shown as, 在小部件ID上无效,在chrome中显示为,

 <span class="dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitButton dijitButtonHover dijitHover" role="presentation" widgetid="submitExpectedJ0">

May be the style is overriden by this class. 可能是该类覆盖了样式。

How to align the button to right? 如何将按钮向右对齐?

Try to wrap your button in a div or span , setting the width of the div / span to 100% and include text-align:right as part of the style. 尝试将按钮包装在divspan ,将div / span的宽度设置为100%,并在样式中包括text-align:right something like: 就像是:

<div style="width:100%;text-align:right">
    <button id='submitExpectedJ0' type='button'></button>

The float;right may also work once you have the wrapping included. 附带包装后, float;right也可能起作用。

You can use this: 您可以使用此:

#submitExpectedJ0 {

This should do it : 这应该做到这一点:

 .dijit { float: right; } 
 <span class="dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitButton dijitButtonHover dijitHover" role="presentation" widgetid="submitExpectedJ0">To right</span> 

#id {

} }

this should work i run my css on firefox and it works! 这应该工作,我在Firefox上运行我的CSS,它的工作原理!

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