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[英]FB social Login PHP - Why People take it as so difficult?

I was implementing FB social login in website based on PHP. 我在基于PHP的网站上实现FB social登录。 I checked FB website and found it easy to implement. 我检查了FB网站,发现它易于实施。 Below is the approach i have followed and i am not sure that i have any security issues here . 以下是我所遵循的方法,不确定在此是否存在任何安全问题

I have used Facebook JS SDK approach. 我使用了Facebook JS SDK方法。

and is as follows: 如下:

var appID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
  appId      : appID, // App ID
  channelUrl : '',
  status     : true,
  cookie     : true,
  xfbml      : true, 
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
    // connected
    FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email,permissions', function(response) {
        //alert('Good to see you, ' + response.name + '.');


function login() {
  if( navigator.userAgent.match('CriOS') ){ 
  FB.login(function(response) {
      if (response.authResponse) {
      } else {
          // cancelled
          alert('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
  },{scope: 'email,public_profile,user_friends'});

function replace_login(){
   FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email', function(response) {
          url: "s-account",
          type: 'POST',
          data: response,
          dataType: 'json',
          beforeSend: function(){
          success: function(data) {
          error: function(){

And in PHP at server side, i am storing user detail like social_id, name and email in database through ajax call and if DB operation is successful then i am setting Session Variable in my website with username and email and user is logged in successfully. 在服务器端的PHP中,我通过ajax调用将用户详细信息(如social_id, name and email在数据库中,并且如果数据库操作成功,则将在username and email设置Session Variable ,并且用户已成功登录。

For logout, i am using my own logout function to destroy Website user session and user is successfully logged out. 对于注销,我正在使用自己的注销功能销毁网站用户会话,并且用户已成功注销。

Now, where is the security risk? 现在,安全风险在哪里? because if user is logged out and then try to login again JS SDK shall get a new Access Token through new response. 因为如果用户注销,然后尝试再次登录,则JS SDK将通过新的响应获得新的访问令牌。

This whole authentication process boils down to the ajax call to s-account . 这整个身份验证过程归结为对s-account的ajax调用。 You're sending name and email from FB.api() to your back end application in a POST request and as you didn't mention, I presume you're not verifying the access token with these details on the server side and you're simply making a session based on these details. 您是在POST请求中将 名称电子邮件FB.api()发送到您的后端应用程序,并且您没有提到,我想您没有在服务器端使用这些详细信息验证访问令牌,并且仅根据这些详细信息进行会话。

The security issue 安全问题

Now, the security issue is that you're using a client side authentication on the server side. 现在,安全性问题是您在服务器端使用了客户端身份验证。 A user can simply generate a POST request to s-account with a fake response like Facebook with any username and email address and your PHP application will authenticate the user and make a valid session without verifying if the details are coming from a legit source. 用户可以简单地生成一个POST请求以使用诸如用户名电子邮件地址之类的虚假响应(例如Facebook)生成s-account ,您的PHP应用程序将对用户进行身份验证并进行有效会话,而无需验证详细信息是否来自合法来源。 Your authentication is completely broken at this stage because a malicious user can login with any account by generating a simple POST request to s-account with any email and username . 您的身份验证已在此阶段完全中断,因为恶意用户可以通过生成一个简单的POST请求来使用任何电子邮件用户名 s-account使用任何s-account 登录

How to fix 怎么修

Facebook provides an end-point in the graph API which validates an access token and returns the details of the user associated with this access token. Facebook在图谱API中提供一个端点,该端点可验证访问令牌并返回与此访问令牌关联的用户的详细信息。 From the Docs : 文档中

This endpoint returns metadata about a given access token. 该端点返回有关给定访问令牌的元数据。 This includes data such as the user for which the token was issued, whether the token is still valid, when it expires, and what permissions the app has for the given user. 这包括数据,例如为其颁发令牌的用户,令牌是否仍然有效,令牌何时到期以及应用程序对给定用户具有哪些权限。

The Fb.Login() will generate the access token as response.authResponse.accessToken and userId as response.authResponse.userID . Fb.Login()将生成访问令牌作为response.authResponse.accessToken和userId作为response.authResponse.userID You need to send this accessToken & userID along with the other user details in your ajax call to s-account and then use the following API end-point to validate if the details are legit. 您需要在对s-account ajax调用中将此accessTokenuserID以及其他用户详细信息一起发送,然后使用以下API端点来验证这些详细信息是否合法。

curl -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/debug_token?input_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_FROM_AJAX_CALL&access_token=YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"

If the the access token is valid, you'll get the following response with the userID for which this token was issued. 如果访问令牌有效,则您将获得以下响应,其中包含为其发出该令牌的用户ID。

  "data": {
    "app_id": "YOUR_APP_ID",
    "application": "YOUR_APP_NAME",
    "expires_at": 1462777200,
    "is_valid": true,
    "scopes": [

Now you can compare this userID with the userID you received in the ajax call and check if the details are legit. 现在,您可以将此userID与在ajax调用中收到的用户ID进行比较,并检查详细信息是否合法。


To debug the user access token using the debug_token API, you need to generate your APP access token on the server side using the following API end-point. 要使用debug_token API调试用户访问令牌,您需要使用以下API端点在服务器端生成APP访问令牌。

curl -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/oauth/access_token?client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&client_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET&grant_type=client_credentials"

This will return your app access token in response. 这将返回您的应用访问令牌作为响应。

  "access_token": "YOUR_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE",
  "token_type": "bearer"

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