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在IE / Edge中更改SVG的“样式”元素

[英]Change SVGs 'style' element in IE/Edge

I have a SVG which contains a bit of css. 我有一个包含一些CSS的SVG。 I want to change the style element in this SVG, with javascript, but in IE/Edge you can;t change the style element with .innerHTML . 我想使用javascript更改此SVG中的style元素,但是在IE / Edge中,您不能使用.innerHTML更改style元素。 Instead, you need .styleSheet.cssText , but I cant get it to work in my SVG. 相反,您需要.styleSheet.cssText ,但是我无法在SVG中使用它。

This works in non-IE browsers, to get and set the value: 这适用于非IE浏览器,用于获取和设置值:

var style  = document.getElementById('example').contentDocument.querySelector("style");
style.innerHTML = style.innerHTML.replace('foo', 'bar')

The SVG (simplified): SVG(简体):

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 540 494.08">
        <style id="SvgStyleSheet">
        <!-- Some more definitions -->
    <!-- SVG elements here -->

How do I get and set the style in this SVG? 如何在此SVG中获取和设置样式?

Turns out I was very very close with .styleSheets.cssText , had to use it slightly different. 原来,我与.styleSheets.cssText非常接近,不得不使用稍有不同的方式。

In order to keep it working in IE/Edge, Firefox, Android, Chrome and iPhone's browser, I had to implement both. 为了使其能够在IE / Edge,Firefox,Android,Chrome和iPhone的浏览器中正常工作,我必须同时实现这两者。

var svgDOC = document.getElementById('idOfSVG').contentDocument;

style = svgDOC.styleSheets[0];
// IE/Edge
if( typeof style.cssText !== "undefined" ){
    style.cssText = style.cssText.replace('foo', 'bar');
// Non IE/Edge:
    var style = svgDOC.querySelector("style");
    style.innerHTML = style.innerHTML.replace('foo', 'bar');

Note: 注意:

It's worth noting that Firefox and other return the actual innerHTML as it is written. 值得注意的是,Firefox和其他浏览器在编写时会返回实际的innerHTML。 If you have no newlines, no newline are in the result: 如果没有换行符,则结果中没有换行符:

IE and Edge however will return a parsed result. IE和Edge但是将返回解析的结果。

.example1 {
    boo: bar;

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