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[英]Laravel Eloquent Search Multiple Related Tables

I am struggling with figuring out how to run a like query against multiple related tables. 我正在努力弄清楚如何对多个相关表运行like查询。

I have a submissions table that has related users , mcd_forms , and submission_statuses tables. 我有一个submissions有相关表usersmcd_formssubmission_statuses表。

Here is my code for running a LIKE statement with the given $terms_like . 这是我的代码,用于使用给定的$terms_like运行LIKE语句。

        $submission = new Submission;

        $terms_like = '%'.$search_terms.'%';

        $data['submissions'] = $submission
            ->join('users as users', 'users.id', '=', 'submissions.user_id')
            ->join('mcd_forms as forms', 'forms.submission_id', '=', 'submissions.id')
            ->join('submission_statuses as statuses', 'statuses.id', '=', 'submissions.submission_status_id')
            ->where(function($q) use ($terms_like) {
                $q->where('users.user_group_id', '=', Auth::user()->user_group_id)
                ->orWhere('forms.name', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('forms.custom_id', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('forms.start_date', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('forms.end_date', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('forms.soft_sell_date', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('forms.region', 'like', $terms_like)
                ->orWhere('statuses.status_formatted', 'like', $terms_like);

No matter what I try it returns incorrect results. 不管我尝试什么,它都会返回错误的结果。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

In your query above, since you are not using the "%" symbol, your like clause is working as an "=" since it's trying to match the whole word. 在上面的查询中,由于您未使用“%”符号,因此您的like子句将尝试匹配整个单词,因此其作用为“ =”。

Replace all the "where" clause like this: 像这样替换所有“ where”子句:

->orWhere('forms.name', 'like', "%".$terms_like."%")

This will try to match the word anywhere in the text. 这将尝试匹配文本中任何位置的单词。

You can try 'like' operator following this: 您可以按照以下方法尝试“赞”运算符:

$users = DB::table('users')
            ->where('forms.name','LIKE', '%'.$terms_like.'%')

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