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[英]ffmpeg overlay issue with rotation

I want to execute a command using ffmpeg so it performs three tasks for me at once: 我想使用ffmpeg执行命令,以便它一次为我执行三个任务:

  1. croping the video (OK) 裁剪视频(确定)
  2. rotate the video for 90° (OK) and 将视频旋转90°(确定),然后
  3. add an overlay 添加一个覆盖

Unfortunately, the tasks 1 and 2 are performed, but the overlay isn't. 不幸的是,执行了任务1和2,但没有执行叠加。 Please help me.. Here's the command I'm using: 请帮助我。这是我正在使用的命令:

ffmpeg -i " + path + " -i /storage/emulated/0/image.png -filter_complex [0]crop=" + cut + ":" + cut + ":0:0 -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 -c:a [a];[a][1]overlay=10:10 -preset ultrafast -codec:a copy /storage/emulated/0/Nitin/" + videoFile;

By using the options -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 , you were settings the rotate matrix in your video stream. 通过使用-metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 ,您可以在视频流中设置旋转矩阵。

It seems your filters are not chained in your filter graph. 似乎您的过滤器未在过滤器图中链接。 You could achieve all your goals in a filter chain. 您可以在过滤器链中实现所有目标。

[in] ---> crop ---> transpose ---> overlay ---> [out]
     ---> movie -----------------|

The filter graph showed above can be specified with -vf option like below. 上面显示的过滤器图可以使用-vf选项指定,如下所示。

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "crop=200:200:12:34,transpose=1 [ct];movie=/path/to/the/overlay/image.png [movie];[ct] [movie]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2" -c:a copy -c:v libx264 output.mp4

You should change crop parameters to yours, the transpose filter with 1 parameter will rotate clock wise by 90 degree, see here for more information. 您应该将crop参数更改为自己的参数,带有1参数的transpose滤波器将顺时针旋转90度,有关更多信息,请参见此处

Also change the movie filter parameter to the path of your image. 另外,将影片滤镜参数更改为图像的路径。

At last, these two outputs will centred overlay to generate final output. 最后,这两个输出将居中放置以生成最终输出。

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