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[英]How should I define interfaces of documents when using Typescript and Mongodb?

Consider a simple user collection: 考虑一个简单的用户集合:

// db.ts
export interface User {
      _id: mongodb.ObjectId;
      username: string;
      password: string;
      somethingElse: string;

// user.ts
import {User} from "../db"
router.get("/:id", async (req, res) => {
    const id = req.params.id;
    // user._id is a mongodb.Object.
    const user: User = await db.getUser(id);


// index.ts
// code that will runs on browser
import {User} from "../../db"
$.get('/user/...').done((user: User) => {
    // user._id is string.

It works perfectly until I want to use this interface in client codes. 直到我要在客户端代码中使用此接口之前,它都可以正常工作。 Because the _id of user becomes a hex string when tranmitted as json from server. 因为当用户_id从服务器作为json传输时,它变为十六进制字符串。 If I set _id to be mongodb.ObjectId | string 如果我将_id设置为mongodb.ObjectId | string mongodb.ObjectId | string , the behavior gets wierd. mongodb.ObjectId | string ,行为变得很奇怪。 在此处输入图片说明

You can try to separate them in a smart way : 您可以尝试以一种聪明的方式将它们分开:

interface User {
   username: string;
   password: string;
   somethingElse: string;

export interface UserJSON extends User {
   _id : string

export interface UserDB extends User {
   _id : mongodb.ObjectId

and later take either UserJSON ( client ) or UserDB ( server-side ). 然后使用UserJSON(client)或UserDB(server-side)。

Thanks to @drinchev. 感谢@drinchev。 And I have figured out a better way to do it, using generics: 而且我已经找到了使用泛型的更好方法:

interface User<IdType> {
    _id: IdType;
    username: string;
    posts: Post<IdType>[];

interface Post<IdType> {
    _id: IdType;
    text: string;

export type UserDB = User<mongodb.ObjectID>;

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