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[英]Web app folder structure when using angularjs and node.js

I'm starting to learn node.js and angularjs but I'm having some trouble on how should I organize and structure the folders and its contents. 我开始学习node.js和angularjs,但是在如何组织和构造文件夹及其内容时遇到了一些麻烦。 Though there's already some question due this matter, I still haven't found a way that pleases me. 尽管由于这个问题已经有一些疑问,但我仍然没有找到让我满意的方法。 By now, I have the following structure: 现在,我具有以下结构:

  • Client 客户

    • controllers 控制器
    • directives 指令
    • services 服务
    • scripts 剧本
    • contents (img/stylesheets) 内容(img /样式表)
    • views 意见
    • app.js (or should it be index.html?) app.js(还是应该为index.html?)
  • Server 服务器

    • controllers 控制器
    • views 意见
    • server.js server.js

The reason I'm not using models it's because I'm doing a web service to get the data needed for the application, though I also have some questions regarding this matter. 我没有使用模型的原因是因为我正在通过Web服务获取应用程序所需的数据,尽管与此同时我也有一些疑问。 Can a web service be implemented in javascript to send and receive SOAP? 可以使用JavaScript实现Web服务来发送和接收SOAP吗?

blog post: http://www.johnpapa.net/angular-growth-structure/ 博客文章: http : //www.johnpapa.net/angular-growth-structure/

Example : https://github.com/angular-app/angular-app 范例: https : //github.com/angular-app/angular-app

This question already has an answer for angularjs here: 这个问题已经在这里为angularjs提供了答案:

AngularJS Folder Structure AngularJS文件夹结构

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