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[英]Submiting form without refreshing a page

I have multiple divs , show/hide on button click div , inside one of these divs I have a table and to filter this table to search a specific user I use a PHP code and a submit form the problem is after submitting the form the page refreshes and the 1st div appears although the request worked and when I revisit the table div the filtering appears. 我有多个div,显示/隐藏按钮单击div,在这些div之一中有一个表,并过滤该表以搜索特定用户,我使用了PHP代码,并提交了表单,问题是在提交表单页面后刷新,并且第一个div出现,尽管请求有效,当我重新访问表div时,出现了过滤。 I used this code to stop the refresh but the form is not being submitted: 我使用此代码来停止刷新,但未提交表单:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
$(function () {

  $('#myform').on('submit', function (e) {


      type: 'post',
      url: 'admin.php',
      data: $('#myform').serialize(),
      success: function () {
        alert('table is filtered');



and here is my form: 这是我的表格:

<div class="in5 n5" id="users">
    <form method="post" action="" id="myform" >
        <table style="width:25%;height: 13%;table-layout: fixed;  font-family: signika;background-color:white;color:white;border-bottom:1px solid white;">
                <td width="30%" style="text-align:center;">
                    <button style="width:100%;height: 100%;border:0; font-size: 20px;font-family: signika;background: transparent;">Show all</button>
                    <div style="height:100%;width: 100%;"> 
                        <input type="text" name="valueToSearch" placeholder="Search user" style="height:100%;width: 70%; font-size: 20px;" >
                        <input value="Search" id="search"  name="search" type="submit" style="width:30%; height: 100%; float: right; background-color: gray; color:white; font-size: 20px; "> 

        <table style="width:100%;height:10%; background-color: white; font-size: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; table-layout: fixed;border-collapse: collapse;">
                <td style="width:3%;">ID</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">Username</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">Email</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">First name</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">Last name</td>
                <td style="width:5%;">Gender</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">Birthday</td>
                <td style="width:8%;">Country</td>
                <td style="width:7%;">City</td>
                <td style="width:10%;">Bio</td>
                <td style="width:5%;">Access</td>
                <td style="width:7%;">Picture</td>
                <td style="width:5%;">Ban user</td>
            <?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($search_result)):?>
            <tr >
                <td style="width:3%; overflow: hidden;"  title="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>">
                    <input style="border:0;background: transparent; font-size: 20px;" readonly="readonly" name="id" value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>">
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;" title="<?php echo $row[1]; ?>"><?php echo $row[1]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;" title="<?php echo $row[2]; ?>"><?php echo $row[2]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[4]; ?>"><?php echo $row[4]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[5]; ?>"><?php echo $row[5]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:5%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[6]; ?>"><?php echo $row[6]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[7]; ?>"><?php echo $row[7]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:8%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[8]; ?>"><?php echo $row[8]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:7%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[9]; ?>"><?php echo $row[9]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:10%; overflow: hidden;"title="<?php echo $row[11]; ?>"><?php echo $row[11]; ?></td>
                <td style="width:5%; overflow: hidden;">
                    <?php if($row['12']=="moderate"){ ?>
                        <a href="lock.php?id=<?php echo $row[0]; ?>">
                            <img class="img2" src="icons/access.png" ></a> 
                    <?php } else{ ?> 
                        <a href="access.php?id=<?php echo $row[0]; ?>">
                            <img class="img2" src="icons/locked.png" >
                    </a> <?php } ?> 
                <td style="width:7%; overflow: hidden;">
                    <a href="#image" title="See profile picture"   class="cover" >
                        <?php  if($row[10]==""){ ?> 
                            <img class="cimg2 " src="images/profile.png"> <?php 
                        } else { ?>
                            <img class="cimg2 " src="img/<?php echo  $row[10] ?>" >
                        <?php }?> 
                <td style="width:5%; overflow: hidden;">
                    <a  title="Delete user" href="deleteuser.php?id=<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"  style="border:0;background: transparent;">
                        <img src="icons/ban.png"></a></td>
            <?php endwhile;?>

and the PHP code: 和PHP代码:

  $valueToSearch = $_POST['valueToSearch'];
  // search in all table columns
  // using concat mysql function
  $query = "SELECT * FROM `r` WHERE CONCAT(`id`, `username`,`email`) LIKE '%".$valueToSearch."%'";
  $search_result = filterTable($query);
else {
  $query = "SELECT * FROM `r`";
  $search_result = filterTable($query);

// function to connect and execute the query
function filterTable($query)
  $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "x");
  $filter_Result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);
  return $filter_Result;

the problem is on submit the page is not refreshing and the alert appears but also the table is not filtering. 问题在于提交时页面未刷新,并且出现警报,但表未过滤。


    $('#myform').on('click', function (e) {

Oops! 糟糕! You missed a concept also ! 您也错过了一个概念! When using ajax you need to manipulate your DOM(Document Object Model) by yourself on callback functions 使用ajax时,需要在回调函数上自己操作DOM(文档对象模型)

You are missing return false; 您缺少返回false的信息; at the end of submit event. 在提交事件结束时。 The form submit event when customized and e.preventDefault() is used then your implementation overrides the default behavior thus it needs to tell the form if it needs to submit the whole page or not. 在定制时使用表单提交事件并使用e.preventDefault()时,您的实现将覆盖默认行为,因此它需要告知表单是否需要提交整个页面。

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
    $(function () {

        $('#myform').on('submit', function (e) {


            type: 'post',
            url: 'admin.php',
            data: $('#myform').serialize(),
            success: function () {
//filter the table using javascript code by changing the elements etc.
              alert('table is filtered');
    return false;


If this not works then there must be some uncertainty like there may be some **runtime error ** which is preventing your script to propagate. 如果这不起作用,则必须存在一些不确定性,例如可能存在一些“运行时错误”,这会阻止脚本传播。

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