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[英]Getting Denied Apache2

I am constanly getting denied to access pages on my website. 我总是被拒绝访问我网站上的页面。 I rsync(ed) over my old website to a new SLES12 server. 我通过旧网站将同步到新的SLES12服务器。 I tried changing permissions and I am still getting denied. 我尝试更改权限,但仍然遭到拒绝。 Most of the pages are php but I am unable to access them either. 大多数页面都是php,但是我也无法访问它们。

My server says PHP is installed. 我的服务器说PHP已安装。

Any advice? 有什么建议吗?

Permission denied: [client] AH00035: access to /favicon.ico denied (filesystem path '/srv/www/htdocs/favicon.icon 权限被拒绝:[客户端172.16.1.175:51697] AH00035:拒绝访问/favicon.ico(文件系统路径'/srv/www/htdocs/favicon.icon

Which user is apache running as? apache以哪个用户身份运行? Check that the apache user has read access to your web files eg chown/chgrp ${apche_user} -R /srv/www/htdocs 检查apache用户是否对您的Web文件具有读取权限,例如chown/chgrp ${apche_user} -R /srv/www/htdocs

Are you using virtual hosts? 您在使用虚拟主机吗?

Have you tried disabling SELinux ? 您是否尝试禁用SELinux?

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