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[英]How to convert number into decimal with shifted decimal separator?

I have to import a file that have an amount in the following format:我必须导入具有以下格式金额的文件:

Id    Amount
101   123456 
102   456789

I'm using FileHelpers library with [FieldConverter(ConverterKind.Decimal)] attribute but it converts the amount into this:我正在使用带有[FieldConverter(ConverterKind.Decimal)]属性的FileHelpers库,但它将数量转换为:

12356 --> $123456

I want it to apply last two digits to the decimals.我希望它将最后两位数字应用于小数。 I want it to look like this:我希望它看起来像这样:

123456 --> $1234.56
456789 --> $4567.89

Any ideas?有任何想法吗? Thanks.谢谢。

UPDATE: I came up with my own solution.更新:我想出了我自己的解决方案。 I've created a separate field called Amount that calculates the payment amount based on the the amount provided in file, which is parsed into the private variable called AmountRaw .我创建了一个名为Amount的单独字段,它根据文件中提供的Amount计算付款金额,该文件被解析为名为AmountRaw的私有变量。

public class PaymentFileRecord
    public int PaymentId;

    [FieldConverter(ConverterKind.Date, "yyyyMMdd")]
    public DateTime PaymentDate;

    private decimal AmountRaw;

    public decimal Amount
        get { return AmountRaw / 100; }

试试这个:将你收到的数字除以 100。

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