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减少 Bot Connector 的延迟

[英]Reduce latency of Bot Connector

I figured out that there's always latency of about two to three seconds when sending messages through the Bot Connector of Microsoft's Bot Framework independent of which channel type I'm using.我发现通过 Microsoft Bot Framework 的 Bot 连接器发送消息时总是有大约两到三秒的延迟,而与我使用的通道类型无关。

This means if I call the POST .../messages API method of my Bot directly (so not going through the Bot Connector) I get an answer within several dozens ms.这意味着如果我直接调用我的 Bot 的 POST .../messages API 方法(所以不通过 Bot 连接器),我会在几十毫秒内得到答案。 However, if messages are routed through bot connector (eg when I use Direct Line communication or Telegram or any other supported channel) it always takes about two to three seconds until I get an answer.但是,如果消息是通过 bot 连接器路由的(例如,当我使用 Direct Line 通信或 Telegram 或任何其他支持的通道时),它总是需要大约两到三秒钟才能得到答复。

For a possible user this would not be a good user experience so that I'm wondering whether either I'm doing someting wrong (eg Bot Connector settings) or whether this is a general problem and will be improved at a later pont of time.对于可能的用户来说,这不是一个好的用户体验,所以我想知道是我做错了什么(例如 Bot Connector 设置),还是这是否是一个普遍问题,稍后会得到改进。

Thanks a lot in advance.非常感谢。

This is a known issue.这是一个已知的问题。 The BotFramework is still in Preview, so it has yet to be optimized. BotFramework 仍处于预览阶段,因此还有待优化。 Expect to see significant performance improvements in the near future.预计在不久的将来会看到显着的性能改进。

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