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在 Symfony2 中提交表单后填充第二个实体

[英]Populate a second entity after a form submit in Symfony2

I'm recently new Symfony (2.8) and I'm trying, that after an image file submission from a form, is to populate a second entity with the mains colors of the image.我最近是新的 Symfony (2.8) 并且我正在尝试,在从表单提交图像文件之后,用图像的主要颜色填充第二个实体。

For now, I just made a test from the controller like this:现在,我只是从控制器进行了这样的测试:

if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

        $palette = $extractor->extractPalette();

        foreach($palette as $color => $weight){
            $imageColor = new Color();




It's working but I don't think that the colors should be in the form or the controller neither is the image entity.它正在工作,但我不认为颜色应该在表单或控制器中,也不是图像实体。 So, how should I deal with the colors ?那么,我应该如何处理颜色?

I have two solutions in mind to save Colors outside your controller:我有两种解决方案可以将Colors保存在控制器之外:

  1. Create a Doctrine listener (on prePersist and preUpdate) that will generate Colors when an Image is persisted.创建一个 Doctrine 侦听器(在 prePersist 和 preUpdate 上),它将在Image持久化时生成Colors

  2. Before flush , dispatch a custom Event and catch it with an EventListener.flush之前,调度自定义 Event 并使用 EventListener 捕获它。 When caught, execute method that populate Colors .捕获后,执行填充Colors方法。

Advantage of solution 1: Colors will automatically be generated for an Image , whether you are in a Controller, a Command, or somewhere else.方案一的优点:不管你是在Controller、Command还是其他地方,都会自动为Image生成Colors

Advantage of solution 2: You can decide more precisely when you want to generate Colors, by dispatching your custom event.解决方案 2 的优势:通过调度自定义事件,您可以更准确地决定何时生成颜色。

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