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[英]replace tree elements in xml with python

#!/usr/bin/env python

import libxml2

import os.path

from cfs_utils import *

solvers = ["CG","CGS","BICGSTABL"]
precond = ["saamg","iluk","ssor"]
for s in range(3):
for p in range(3):
   print "s " + str(s)
   problem = "eval_" + str(solvers[s]) + "_" + str(precond[p]) + "_default"

#if os.path.exists(problem + ".info.xml"):
#  continue

print "execute " + problem + "\n"

doc = libxml2.parseFile("simp_lis_solver_3D.xml")
xml = doc.xpathNewContext()
solver = xml.xpathEval('//solverList')
solver_name = xml.xpathEval(solvers[s])

Here I want to replace the xml elements with the specified solver Name, I tried in the following way mentoined below but nothing is working out. 在这里,我想用指定的求解器名称替换xml元素,我尝试以下方式,但是没有任何问题。

  #  xml.xpathRegisterNs('cfs', 'http://www.cfs++.org')
  #replace(xml, "//cfs:volume/@value", str(vol))
  # replace("pardiso", "CG", "CGS")
for line in doc:
   solvers[s].replace( 'TFQMR', 'CG')
   doc.saveFile(problem + ".xml")
   execute("cfs.rel -m bulk3d_10.mesh " + problem)

Here is the Sample of my Xml file here using this xml file i want to replace the solver TFGMR with the specified solver in my python code. 这里是我的Xml文件的示例,这里使用这个xml文件我想用我的python代码中的指定解算器替换解算器TFGMR。

        <matrix storage="sparseNonSym"/>
      <lis id="default">

You can remove from the parent and then replace using xml.ElementTree : 您可以从父项中删除,然后使用xml.ElementTree替换:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

tree = et.parse("your.xml")
x  = tree.getroot()

for s in x.findall(".//solver"):
    ch = s.find("./TFQMR")
    if ch is not None:
        s.append(et.SubElement(s, "CG"))


using your snippet: 使用您的代码段:

In [55]: from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

In [56]: tree = et.parse("test.xml")

In [57]: x  = tree.getroot()

In [58]: for s in x.findall(".//solver"):
   ....:     ch = s.find("./TFQMR")
   ....:     if ch is not None:
   ....:             s.remove(ch)
   ....:             s.append(et.SubElement(s, "CG"))
              <matrix storage="sparseNonSym" />
        <lis id="default">
                <saamg />
                <CG /><CG /></solver>

Using your file, you need to register the namespace: 使用您的文件,您需要注册命名空间:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

tree = et.parse(.xml")
x = tree.getroot()

namespaces = {'cfsSimulation': "http://www.cfs++.org"}

solvers = x.findall(
for s in solvers:   
    ch = s.find("./cfsSimulation:TFQMR", namespaces)
    if ch is not None:
        s.append(et.SubElement(s, "CG"))


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