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IE11:渲染表的性能很差 - 有什么解决方案吗?

[英]IE11: very poor perfomance in rendering tables - any solutions?

My Dom-structure looks like this:我的 Dom 结构如下所示:


On my html-webpage there are 226 divs with corresponding ids from "content-box1" to "content_box226".在我的 html 网页上,有 226 个 div,其 ID 对应从“content-box1”到“content_box226”。 Each of these contentboxes contain a svg-picture and a html-table-with css-colouring.这些内容框中的每一个都包含一个 svg-picture 和一个 html-table-with css-colouring。 Only one content-box is shown at the same time.同时只显示一个内容框。 The navigation through the content-boxes is managed by a html-selectbox and jQuery.通过内容框的导航由 html-selectbox 和 jQuery 管理。

My problem is that this webpage is lacking in IE11 like hell.我的问题是这个网页在 IE11 中像地狱一样缺乏。 Why?为什么? Is InterExplorer11 rendering all svgs and tables of all content-boxes despite of the fact that only one content-box is shown?尽管只显示了一个内容框,但 InterExplorer11 是否渲染了所有内容框的所有 svg 和表格? How i can avoid this behavior?我怎样才能避免这种行为?

For CSS, performance wise对于 CSS,性能明智

visiblilty: hidden;

is better than

display: none;

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