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如何使用Spring Security在Spring xml中为一个特殊的URL一起定义ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN IN?

[英]How to defined ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN IN together for one spefic url in spring xml using spring security?

I am Using spring security for login and logout with multiple users with different rolls I have set the two uers to acces the dba url for admin and dba but I access the Url 我正在使用Spring Security与具有不同身份的多个用户进行登录和注销,我已经将两个uer设置为访问admin和dba的dba url,但是我访问了网址


It redirects to the default spring login form after entering the admin uername and password of the admin its redirects page to the /access-denied that i have defined in security.xml 输入管理员的管理员用户名和密码后,它会重定向到默认的spring登录表单,其重定向页面将指向我在security.xml中定义的/ access-denied

code for security.xml: security.xml的代码:

<beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"

    <http auto-config="true" >
        <intercept-url pattern="/" access="permitAll" />
        <intercept-url pattern="/home" access="permitAll" />
        <intercept-url pattern="/admin**" access="hasRole('ADMIN')" />
        <intercept-url pattern="/dba**" access="hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('DBA')" />
        <access-denied-handler error-page="/Access_Denied" />
        <form-login  authentication-failure-url="/Access_Denied" />

    <authentication-manager >
                <user name="bill"  password="abc123"  authorities="ROLE_USER" />
                <user name="admin" password="root123" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />
                <user name="dba"   password="root123" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_DBA" />


i have solved my problem by using 我已经通过使用解决了我的问题

 <intercept-url pattern="/dba**" access="hasAnyRole('ADMIN','DBA')" />

in security.xml instead of 在security.xml中而不是

<intercept-url pattern="/dba**" access="hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('DBA')" />


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