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调用PowerShell脚本.Net 3.5的多线程WinForm

[英]Multithreaded WinForm Calling a PowerShell Script .Net 3.5

Will I run into any issues executing a single PowerShell script from a multithreaded WinForm app? 从多线程WinForm应用程序执行单个PowerShell脚本时,是否会遇到任何问题? My main concern is related to the WinForm threads locking the PowerShell script. 我主要关心的是与锁定PowerShell脚本的WinForm线程有关。

for (int i = 0; i <= toProcess; i++)
    bWorker.ReportProgress(0, i.ToString());
    PowerShellProcs workPs = new PowerShellProcs();

    workPs.CusId = CustomerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerID"].ToString();

    ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(workPs.DoPs);
    Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
    newThread.Name = CustomerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerID"].ToString();

    if (toProcess == i)


class PowerShellProcs
    public string CusId;
    public void DoPs()
        String customerId = CusId;
        var scriptfile = @"c:\ProcessCustomer.ps1";         
        Process _Proc = new Process();
        _Proc.StartInfo = "Powershell.exe";
        _Proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        _Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "'" + customerId + "' ";

What if toProcess contains the value 1,000,000. 如果toProcess包含值1,000,000,该怎么toProcess then you're spawning 1m threads. 那么您将产生1m个线程。 The _Proc.Start() is not blocking, so your threads will be finished in no-time, but you will probably don't want to spawn 1m processes. _Proc.Start()没有阻塞,因此您的线程将立即完成,但是您可能不希望产生1m个进程。

If you want to process them parallel, add the process.WaitForExit(); 如果要并行处理它们,请添加process.WaitForExit(); (to make the executing process blocking) in the thread and put them on the ThreadPool . (以阻止正在执行的进程)在线程中,然后将它们放在ThreadPool (The ThreadPool limits the concurrent threads (so also processes)) ThreadPool限制了并发线程(也限制了进程))

or 要么

use the Parallel.Foreach() with the MaxDegreeOfParallelism property. Parallel.Foreach()MaxDegreeOfParallelism属性一起使用。

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