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如何正确使用Swift Dictionary可变扩展的类型以使用不同的键添加Int值

[英]How to get the types right for Swift Dictionary mutable extension to add Int values with different keys

I'm using a JSON API that represents a birthday as three separate values in a dictionary. 我正在使用一个JSON API,它将生日表示为字典中的三个独立值。 Since the date has to be added to a dictionary in several places in the same way, I wanted to move the code to a Dictionary extension. 由于必须以相同的方式在多个位置将日期添加到字典中,因此我想将代码移到Dictionary扩展中。

    var dict = [String: AnyObject]()
    // other keys are set ....
    if let birthDate = birthDate,
        let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier:  NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian) {
        let dateComponents = calendar.components([.Day, .Month, .Year], fromDate: birthDate)
        dict["birthDay"] = dateComponents.day
        dict["birthMonth"] = dateComponents.month
        dict["birthDay"] = dateComponents.year
    // other keys are set ....

This works just fine. 这样很好。 However in a Dictionary extension, I can't seem to get the types right. 但是在Dictionary扩展中,我似乎无法正确选择类型。

    extension Dictionary where Key: StringLiteralConvertible , Value: AnyObject {
        // other type restrictions for Key and Value didn't work
        mutating func addBirthDate(birthDay: NSDate?) {
            if let birthDate = birthDay,
                let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier:  NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian) {
                let dateComponents = calendar.components([.Day, .Month, .Year], fromDate: birthDate)
                self["birthDay"] = dateComponents.day
                // Cannot assign value of type 'Int' to type `_?`
                self["birthMonth"] = dateComponents.month as Value
                // 'Int' is not convertible to `Value`; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?
                self["birthDay"] = dateComponents.year as NSNumber
                // Cannot assign value of type `NSNumber` to type `_?`

I also tried casting self with if let self = self as? [String: AnyObject] if let self = self as? [String: AnyObject]我也尝试使用铸造self if let self = self as? [String: AnyObject] if let self = self as? [String: AnyObject] without success. if let self = self as? [String: AnyObject]没有成功。

Restricting the Dictionary to only Int values, fails because Int is a non-protocol type. Dictionary限制为仅Int值失败,因为Int是非协议类型。 IntegerType didn't work either. IntegerType也不起作用。

extension Dictionary where Key: StringLiteralConvertible , Value: Int

But I want to add other types of values to the same dictionary, so just having Int s doesn't do it for me. 但是我想将其他类型的值添加到同一字典中,因此仅使用Int不会对我有用。

Casting to Value was the right idea. 铸造Value是正确的想法。 But it needs to be an optional as? Value 但是它需要是可选as? Value as? Value . as? Value

if let day = dateComponents.day as? Value {
    self["birthDay"] = day

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