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[英]Dynamically include JavaScript from external file - PHP

Thanks in advance for your help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。 I am having a hard time keeping my codebase clean. 我很难保持代码库整洁。 I want to avoid intermixing PHP, HTML, and CSS. 我想避免PHP,HTML和CSS混杂在一起。

Currently, my main site is broken down into numerous smaller tabs. 目前,我的主站点分为多个较小的选项卡。 The PHP code for these tabs is dynamically included after an ajax call is made. 进行ajax调用后,将动态包含这些选项卡的PHP代码。

elseif (file_exists('templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php")) {
 include 'templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php";

It works great but I would also like to dynamically include JavaScript from an external file. 效果很好,但我也想从外部文件中动态包含JavaScript。 In my mind it would work like this, 在我看来,它将像这样工作,

elseif (file_exists('templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php")) {
 include 'templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php";
 include 'templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".js";

How can I dynamically include javascript based on what tab the user wants to go to while still keeping the javascript separated by tab in individual files. 如何在用户仍然希望将JavaScript按标签分开的情况下,根据用户想要转到的标签动态地包含javascript。

I have spent the entire day looking into this issue and keep coming across examples that look like this, 我花了整整一天的时间研究这个问题,并不断遇到类似这样的示例,

echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>";
echo "alert('hello worldio');";
echo "</script>";
echo "<script>location.href='$URL'</script>";

This site is a single page application. 该站点是单页应用程序。 THanks again! 再次感谢!

Javascript files cannot be included by php function. php函数不能包含Javascript文件。 Use the below code 使用下面的代码

elseif (file_exists('templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php")) {
 include 'templates/custom/'.$center."/".$section."/".$tab.".php"; 
 $file_path = "javascript external file path"; // replace with correct file path
 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $file_path;?>"></script>
 <?php } ?>

只需print <script>标记以包括它:

 print '<script src="templates/custom/'.$center.'/'.$section.'/'.$tab.'.js'" type="text/javascript"></script>';

hi in my case i use module base template that seprated to smaller parts.i have 3 main UI part in my site 1.public site js for all templates jquery,bootstrap ,... that use in all templates must put here 2.each style or template has a js folder that all public js file of this templates must be there 3.each module in template has js folder that js special for that module must be there i do it for css too.in fact when i load a module check all of this folders by 您好,在我的情况下,我使用模块基础模板,这些模板分为较小的部分。我在我的网站中有3个主要的UI部分。1。所有模板的jquery,bootstrap等公共模板都必须放在这里。样式或模板具有一个js文件夹,该模板的所有公共js文件都必须在该文件夹中。3。模板中的每个模块都具有该模块专用js的js文件夹,我也必须在CSS中执行该操作。实际上,当我加载模块时检查所有此文件夹

array_slice(scandir($st_css_style_public_path), 2)

and create css link or js script and print final string of addresses in my page. 并创建CSS链接或JS脚本,并在我的页面中打印地址的最终字符串。 but some times you need to inject a peace of code directly into your page i use a folder and a file with name of plugins->plugins.php put all piece of script there get it's content and print it into my page 但是有时候您需要直接向页面中注入代码,我使用了一个文件夹和一个名为plugins-> plugins.php的文件,将所有脚本放到那里,得到了内容并将其打印到我的页面中

`$st_plugins .= (file_exists($st_plugin_style_public_path) ) ? file_get_contents($st_plugin_style_public_path) : ' ';

all of my render method in my view is this : 在我看来,我所有的render方法是这样的:

public function render($address, $data = '', $cache = 1, $showstyle = 1) {
        $data['LINKPREFIX'] = '/' . $this->current_holding_unique_name
                . '/'
                . $this->current_lang;
        if (isset($address)) {
            $path = explode('/', $address);
            $path[0] = $path[0];
            $path[1] = $path[1];
        $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($path[0] . DS . $path[1] . '.twig');
        if ($showstyle) {
            $css_links = '';
            $js_links = '';
            $st_plugins = '';

            //########################## CREATING CSS,JS ADDRESS
            //####### SITE PUBLIC CSS & JS FILES
            $st_js_public_path = '.' . DS . PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $this->set_address($path[0]) . 'js';
            $st_css_public_path = '.' . DS . PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $this->set_address($path[0]) . 'css';

            if (file_exists($st_js_public_path) && is_dir($st_js_public_path)) {
                $ar_public_jsfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_js_public_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_public_jsfile_list as $js_file_name) {
                    $js_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_js_public_path . DS . $js_file_name, 'js');
            if (file_exists($st_css_public_path) && is_dir($st_css_public_path)) {
                $ar_public_cssfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_css_public_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_public_cssfile_list as $css_file_name) {
                    $css_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_css_public_path . DS . $css_file_name, 'css');

            //####### STYLE PUBLIC CSS & JS & PLUGINS FILES
            $st_js_style_public_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . 'public' . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'js';
            $st_css_style_public_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . 'public' . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'css';
            $st_plugin_style_public_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . 'public' . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'plugins.php';
            if (file_exists($st_css_style_public_path) && is_dir($st_css_style_public_path)) {
                $ar_cssfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_css_style_public_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_cssfile_list as $css_file_name) {
                    $css_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_css_style_public_path . DS . $css_file_name, 'css');
            if (file_exists($st_js_style_public_path) && is_dir($st_js_style_public_path)) {
                $ar_jsfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_js_style_public_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_jsfile_list as $js_file_name) {
                    $js_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_js_style_public_path . DS . $js_file_name, 'js');
            $st_plugins .= (file_exists($st_plugin_style_public_path) ) ? file_get_contents($st_plugin_style_public_path) : ' ';
            //####### MODULE CSS & JS FILES
            $st_js_style_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . $path[0] . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'js';
            $st_css_style_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . $path[0] . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'css';
            $st_plugin_path = '.' . DS . VIEW_DIR . DS . $this->current_style . DS . $path[0] . DS . $this->current_direction . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'plugins.php';
            if (file_exists($st_css_style_path) && is_dir($st_css_style_path)) {
                $ar_cssfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_css_style_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_cssfile_list as $css_file_name) {
                    $css_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_css_style_path . DS . $css_file_name, 'css');
            if (file_exists($st_js_style_path) && is_dir($st_js_style_path)) {
                $ar_jsfile_list = array_slice(scandir($st_js_style_path), 2);
                foreach ($ar_jsfile_list as $js_file_name) {
                    $js_links .= $this->create_css_js_link($st_js_style_path . DS . $js_file_name, 'js');
            $st_plugins .= (file_exists($st_plugin_path) && $showstyle ) ? file_get_contents($st_plugin_path) : ' ';

            //@ @   @ CREATING CSS,JS ADDRESS
            $data['VARCSSADDR'] = $css_links;
            $data['VARJSADDR'] = $js_links . $st_plugins;
            $data['VARURL'] = '/';
            $data = array_merge($data, lang_translate::$lang);
        } else {
            //$ar_langpropr = language::$ar_lanuage[session::get('current_lang')];
            //$data['lang_code'] = $ar_langpropr['lang_code'];
            $data = array_merge($data, lang_translate::$lang);
            return $this->twig->render($address . '.twig', $data);

i am using twig template engine so there are some unrelated code to your question here;else part is for ajax call. 我正在使用树枝模板引擎,所以这里有一些与您的问题无关的代码;其他部分是针对ajax调用的。 conclusion: 1-you can use this structure to add or delete file from a module as easy as copy or delete a file from it's folder. 结论:1-您可以使用此结构从模块中添加或删除文件,就像从其文件夹中复制或删除文件一样容易。 2- you can use it to create correct js or css to create address by ajax and print it in your code 2-您可以使用它来创建正确的js或css,以通过ajax创建地址并将其打印在代码中

i hope it helped you and don't hesitate to as more question if you need 我希望它能对您有所帮助,如果您需要,请不要犹豫,提出更多问题

PHP include()'s are server-side. PHP include()在服务器端。

JavaScript is client-side. JavaScript是客户端。

Therefore, you cannot use include() on a JavaScript. 因此,不能在JavaScript上使用include()。

However, if you would like to load a JavaScript with a URL that you want, use this: $url = "JAVASCRIPT URL HERE"; echo('<script src="'. $url .'"></script>'); 但是,如果您想用所需的URL加载JavaScript,请使用以下命令: $url = "JAVASCRIPT URL HERE"; echo('<script src="'. $url .'"></script>'); $url = "JAVASCRIPT URL HERE"; echo('<script src="'. $url .'"></script>');

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