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在Typescript-Angular 2中的类方法中创建方法

[英]Creating methods within a class method in Typescript - Angular 2

In Angular 2 I'm using bootbox.js to create dialogs (alerts, confirmations). 在Angular 2中,我使用bootbox.js创建对话框(警报,确认)。 I'm trying to create a dialog service, but I'm not sure how to write the code in Typescript is such a way that would allow me to use my service methods the way I'm hoping to. 我正在尝试创建一个对话框服务,但是我不确定如何用Typescript编写代码是否可以让我以自己希望的方式使用服务方法。

How I want to use my service: 我想如何使用我的服务:

export class SomeComponent {

  constructor(private _dialog: DialogService){}

  showConfirm() {
      .title('Some title')
      .message('Some message')
      .okBtn('Sounds Good')
      .cancelBtn('No way!')
      .confirm(() => {})
      .cancel(() => {})

showAlert() {
          .title('Some title')
          .message('Some message')
          .okBtn('Sounds Good')
          .callback(() => {})

My service as it currently: 我目前的服务:

export class DialogService {

confirm() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        cancel: {
          label: cancelBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => cancel()
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => confirm()

 alert() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => callback()


Obviously I would rather pass in the title, message, etc. from the component that's using my service, but I'm just not sure how to write the service to allow the usage to be done the way I would to. 显然,我宁愿从使用我的服务的组件中传递标题,消息等,但是我不确定如何编写服务以允许按我的方式使用。

I would try something like 我会尝试像

export class DialogService {

public title: string;
public messafe: string;
.....  // all other properties

confirm() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        cancel: {
          label: cancelBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => cancel()
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => confirm()


and then, in the component that uses the DialogService 然后,在使用DialogService的组件中

export class SomeComponent {

  constructor(private _dialog: DialogService){}

  this._dialog.title = 'some title';
  this._dialog.message = 'some message';
  // the rest of the stuff



I hope I heve understood your point and that this helps 希望我了解您的观点,对您有帮助

If I understand you correctly then you're looking for the builder pattern . 如果我对您的理解正确,那么您正在寻找构建器模式

Here's an implementation based on your code: 这是基于您的代码的实现:

class DialogService {
    private _title: string;
    private _message: string;
    private _okBtn: string;
    private _cancelBtn: string;
    private _confirm: string;
    private _cancel: string;

    constructor() {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this._title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this._message = value;
        return this;

    public okBtn(value: string): DialogService {
        this._okBtn = value;
        return this;

    public cancelBtn(value: string): DialogService {
        this._cancelBtn = value;
        return this;

    public confirm(value: () => {}): DialogService {
        this._confirm = value;
        return this;

    public cancel(value: () => {}): DialogService {
        this._cancel = value;
        return this;

    public show(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                cancel: {
                    label: this._cancelBtn,
                    className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
                    callback: this._cancel
                okay: {
                    label: okBtn,
                    className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
                    callback: this._confirm

Then: 然后:

new DialogService()
    .title('Some title')
    .message('Some message')
    .okBtn('Sounds Good')
    .cancelBtn('No way!')
    .confirm(() => {})
    .cancel(() => {})

Edit 编辑

I saw your changed question after posting this edit, so I'm re-editing it: 发布此修改后,我看到了您更改的问题,因此我正在对其进行重新编辑:

interface ButtonData {
    label: string;
    className: string;
    callback: () => void;

class DialogService {
    private static BUTTON_CLASS_NAME = "btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary";

    private _title: string;
    private _message: string;
    private _okay: ButtonData;
    private _cancel: ButtonData;

    constructor() {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this._title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this._message = value;
        return this;

    public okay(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this._okay = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public cancel(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this._cancel = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public alert(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                okay: this.okay

    public confirm(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                cancel: this._cancel,
                okay: this.okay

older edit 较旧的

I'm still not sure what exactly you're looking for, I changed things a bit and made sure that there are confirm and alert methods, but I'm not sure what they are supposed to do... 我仍然不确定您到底要寻找什么,我做了一些更改并确保有confirmalert方法,但是我不确定它们应该做什么。
The confirm uses the bootbox.dialog your code has, but I had no idea what to do with the alert so I invented the bootbox.alert function. confirm使用您的代码具有的bootbox.dialog ,但是我不知道如何处理alert因此发明了bootbox.alert函数。
It's probably wrong and you'll need to implement that yourself... 这可能是错误的,您需要自己实现...

interface ButtonData {
    label: string;
    className: string;
    callback: () => void;

interface ServiceData {
    title: string;
    message: string;
    buttons: {
        cancel: ButtonData,
        okay: ButtonData

class DialogService {
    private static BUTTON_CLASS_NAME = "btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary";
    private data: ServiceData

    constructor() {
        this.data = <ServiceData> {
            buttons: {
                cancel: <ButtonData> {},
                okay: <ButtonData> {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this.data.title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this.data.message = value;
        return this;

    public okay(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this.data.buttons.okay = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public cancel(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this.data.buttons.cancel = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public confirm(): void {

    public alert(): void {

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