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如何在同一测试用例中使用假设和基于pytest-tornado yield的测试?

[英]How can I use hypothesis, and pytest-tornado yield-based testing, in the same test case?

I'm writing py.test tests of my code that uses the Tornado library. 我正在编写使用Tornado库的代码的py.test测试。 How can I use Hypothesis in my tests that involve coroutines and the IOLoop? 如何在涉及协同程序和IOLoop的测试中使用假设 I've been able to write yield-based tests without Hypothesis by using pytest-tornado 's @pytest.mark.gen_test , but when I try to combine it with @given , I receive the following error: 通过使用pytest-tornado@pytest.mark.gen_test ,我已经能够在没有假设的情况下编写基于yield的测试,但是当我尝试将它与@given结合使用@given ,我收到以下错误:

FailedHealthCheck: Tests run under @given should return None , but test_both returned <generator object test_both at 0x7fc4464525f0> instead. FailedHealthCheck:在@given下运行的测试应返回None ,但test_both返回<generator object test_both at 0x7fc4464525f0>

See http://hypothesis.readthedocs.org/en/latest/healthchecks.html for more information about this. 有关此内容的更多信息,请参见http://hypothesis.readthedocs.org/en/latest/healthchecks.html If you want to disable just this health check, add HealthCheck.return_value to the suppress_health_check settings for this test. 如果要仅禁用此运行状况检查,请将HealthCheck.return_value添加到此测试的suppress_health_check设置中。

I'm pretty confident that this is a real problem and not just a question of disabling the health check, considering that the Hypothesis docs say 我非常有信心这是一个真正的问题而不只是一个禁用健康检查的问题,考虑到假设文档

yield based tests simply won't work. 基于产量的测试根本不起作用。

Here's code that demonstrates my situation: 这是代表我的情况的代码:

class MyHandler(RequestHandler):

    def get(self, x):
        yield gen.moment
        self.write(str(int(x) + 1))

def app():
    return Application([(r'/([0-9]+)', MyHandler)])

def test_hypothesis(x):
    assert int(str(x)) == x

def test_tornado(app, http_client, base_url):
    x = 123
    response = yield http_client.fetch('%s/%i' % (base_url, x))
    assert int(response.body) == x + 1

def test_both(x, app, http_client, base_url):
    response = yield http_client.fetch('%s/%i' % (base_url, x))
    assert int(response.body) == x + 1

test_hypothesis and test_tornado work fine, but I get the error with test_both because I'm using yield and Hypothesis together. test_hypothesistest_tornado工作正常,但我得到了test_both的错误,因为我一起使用yield和Hypothesis。

Changing the order of the decorators didn't change anything, probably because the gen_test decorator is simply an attribute mark. 改变装饰器的顺序并没有改变任何东西,可能是因为gen_test装饰器只是一个属性标记。

Can I write tests of my Tornado-based code that use Hypothesis? 我可以编写使用假设的基于Tornado的代码的测试吗? How? 怎么样?

You can accomplish this by calling run_sync() on the io_loop py.test fixture of pytest-tornado. 您可以通过在pytest-tornado的io_loop py.test fixture上调用run_sync()来完成此操作。 This can be used in place of yield : 这可以用来代替yield

def test_solution(x, app, http_client, base_url, io_loop):
    response = io_loop.run_sync(
        lambda: http_client.fetch('%s/%i' % (base_url, x)))
    assert int(response.body) == x + 1

Or you can place the body of your test in a coroutine, so that it can continue to use yield , and call this coroutine with run_sync() : 或者,您可以将测试的正文放在协程中,以便它可以继续使用yield ,并使用run_sync()调用此协程:

def test_solution_general(x, app, http_client, base_url, io_loop):
    def test_gen():
        response = yield http_client.fetch('%s/%i' % (base_url, x))
        assert int(response.body) == x + 1

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