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C ++中的一元否定

[英]Unary Negation in C++

I am almost done with this program, but I am having trouble applying the unary negation function to it. 我几乎已经完成了该程序,但是在将一元求反函数应用于该程序时遇到了麻烦。

I have made a program based on calculating complex numbers and so far it works perfectly well, except for the whole negative numbers part. 我制作了一个基于计算复数的程序,到目前为止,除了整个负数部分之外,它都能很好地运行。 I can't seem to figure out how to make my unary negation to work in the code without it warning me and crashing on me with its runtime error. 我似乎无法弄清楚如何使我的一元否定法在代码中起作用,而不会警告我并且由于运行时错误而使我崩溃。

In my h file, I have this: 在我的h文件中,我有这个:

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs);

and in my cpp file, I attempted to create this from what I wrote above: 在我的cpp文件中,我尝试根据以上内容创建该文件:

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs)
    return Complex(-lhs);

The code I wrote on my cpp file gives me a Warning C4717 error that says: "'operator-': recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow." 我在cpp文件中编写的代码给了我一个警告C4717错误,该错误指示: “'operator-':在所有控制路径上递归,函数将导致运行时堆栈溢出。” And of course, applying the number above would cause runtime error. 当然,应用上面的数字将导致运行时错误。

I'm sure some of you want the full code, so here it is: header, cpp, and the test file. 我确定有些人想要完整的代码,所以这里是:header,cpp和测试文件。 :) :)

I appreciate the help. 感谢您的帮助。

header file: 头文件:

#ifndef com_H
#define com_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

/********** CLASS **********/

class Complex

    //The BFFs: Stream Insertion and Operators//

    friend istream &operator >> (istream &lhs, Complex &rhs);
    friend ostream &operator << (ostream &lhs, const Complex &rhs);


    float real, img;

            //Complex Constructor//

    Complex(float new_real = 0.0, float new_img = 0.0);

            //Complex Set-and-Get Functions//

    void setComplex(float new_real, float new_img);
    float getReal() const { return real; }
    float getImg()  const { return img; }

            //Complex Functions//

    Complex &operator+=(const Complex &rhs);
    Complex &operator-=(const Complex &rhs);
    Complex &operator*=(const Complex &rhs);
    Complex &operator/=(const Complex &rhs);


/********** O P E R A T O R **********/

Complex operator+(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
Complex operator*(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
Complex operator/(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);


bool operator==(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
bool operator!=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
bool operator<(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
bool operator<=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
bool operator>(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);
bool operator>=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs);

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs);


cpp file: cpp文件:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "com.h"

using namespace std;

//***************** COMPLEX CONSTRUCTORS *****************//
Complex::Complex(float new_real, float new_img)
    real = new_real;
    img = new_img;

void Complex::setComplex(float new_real, float new_img)
    real = new_real;
    img = new_img;

//***************IF REAL NUMBER IS ZERO CHECK***************//

void checkNum(char ops, float new_img)
    char i = 'i';

    if (new_img == 0)
        cout << "0";

    else if (new_img != 1 && ops == '-')
        new_img *= -1;

        cout << new_img << i;

    else if (new_img == 1 && ops == '-')
        cout << "-i";

    else if (new_img == 1)
        cout << i;

        cout << new_img << i;


//*****************STREAM INSERTIONS*****************//

istream &operator >> (istream &lhs, Complex &rhs)
    char ops;
    char i = 'i';

    lhs >> rhs.real >> ops >> rhs.img >> i;     //lhs is another name for cin

    if (ops == '-')
        rhs.img *= -1;

    return lhs;

ostream &operator << (ostream &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    char ops;
    char i = 'i';
    float new_real = rhs.real;
    float new_img = rhs.img;

    if (new_img < 0)
        ops = '-';
        new_img *= -1;

    else if (new_img >= 0)
        ops = '+';

    if (new_real == 0)

        checkNum(ops, new_img);

        return  lhs << endl;


    else if (new_img == 0)
        return lhs << new_real;

    else if (new_img == 1)
        return lhs << new_real << " " << ops << " " << i;

        return lhs << new_real << " " << ops << " " << new_img << i;

    //  lhs << rhs.real << " + " << rhs.img << 'i';


//***************COMPLEX ARITHMETIC OPERATORS***************//
//***************** ( + | - | * | / |) ***************** //

// FORMULA for COMPLEX NUMBERS :: (a + bi)

Complex operator+(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)

    float a = lhs.getReal();
    float b = lhs.getImg();

    float c = rhs.getReal();
    float d = rhs.getImg();

    return Complex(a + c, b + d);


Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)

    float a = lhs.getReal();
    float b = lhs.getImg();

    float c = rhs.getReal();
    float d = rhs.getImg();

    return Complex(a - c, b - d);


Complex operator*(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)

    float a = lhs.getReal();
    float b = lhs.getImg();

    float c = rhs.getReal();
    float d = rhs.getImg();

    return Complex(((a * c) - (b * d)) , ((a * d) + (b * c)));


Complex operator/(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)

    float a = lhs.getReal();
    float b = lhs.getImg();

    float c = rhs.getReal();
    float d = rhs.getImg();

    float myReal = (a * c) + (b * d);
    float myImg = (b * c) - (a * d);

    float myDenom = (pow(c, 2) + pow(d, 2));

    return Complex(myReal / myDenom, myImg / myDenom);


//*****************COMPLEX OPERATORS EQUALS *****************//
//**************** ( += | -=  | *= | /= |) ***************** //

Complex &Complex::operator+=(const Complex &rhs)
    real += rhs.real;
    img += rhs.img;

    //*this = *this + rhs;

    return *this;

Complex &Complex::operator-=(const Complex &rhs)
    real -= rhs.real;
    img -= rhs.img;

    return *this;

Complex &Complex::operator*=(const Complex &rhs)
    real *= rhs.real;
    img *= rhs.img;

    return *this;

Complex &Complex::operator/=(const Complex &rhs)
    real /= rhs.real;
    img /= rhs.img;

    return *this;

//******************COMPLEX OPERATORS COMPARISON*****************//
//**************** ( == | != | < | <= | > | >= |)*****************//

bool operator==(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    if (lhs.getReal() == rhs.getReal() && lhs.getImg() == rhs.getImg())
        return true;

    return false;

bool operator!=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    return !(lhs == rhs);

bool operator<(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    if (lhs.getReal() <  rhs.getReal() || lhs.getReal() == rhs.getReal() && lhs.getImg() < rhs.getImg())
        return true;
    return false;

bool operator<=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    return ((lhs < rhs) || (lhs == rhs));

bool operator>(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    return !(lhs <= rhs);

bool operator>=(const Complex &lhs, const Complex &rhs)
    return !(lhs < rhs);

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs)
    return Complex(-lhs);

main file: 主文件:

#include <iostream>
#include "com.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int  main()
    Complex  userValue;

    cout << "Enter a complex value (a + bi): ";

    cin >> userValue;

    cout << "Negated: " << -userValue << endl;

    cout << "Addition:  " << userValue + Complex(0.0, 0.0) << endl;

    if (Complex(-6, 5.2f) == userValue)
        cout << "Wow! It's equal." << endl;

    return  0;


UPDATE 1: Wow! 更新1:哇! I just tested it again and it actually crashes on any number I put, positive AND negative lol! 我只是再次测试,它实际上在我输入的任何数字上都崩溃了,正负大声笑! But when I comment the following codes out... from main 但是当我从主注释掉以下代码时

//  cout << "Negated: " << -userValue << endl;

from header file 从头文件

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs); 

from cpp file 从cpp文件

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs)
    return Complex(-lhs);

...it still works (without the negative numbers of course.) ...它仍然有效(当然没有负数)。

Like the error says, you're calling your overloaded function recursively. 就像错误所言,您正在递归地调用重载函数。 Instead you want to be calling the constructor with the proper arguments: 相反,您想使用适当的参数来调用构造函数:

Complex operator-(const Complex &lhs)
    return Complex(-lhs.real, -lhs.imag);

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