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[英]How do I setup rewarded ads in unity

In my android app which Im developing in unity I use admob for my advertising. 在我统一开发的android应用中,我将admob用于广告。 The banner works fine but I want to reward a player when they watch an advertise. 横幅广告效果很好,但我想奖励观看广告的玩家。 There is no solid explanation or tutorial on how to setup rewarded advertises for unity on the web that I can find. 在我可以找到的网络上,没有关于如何设置奖励广告统一的可靠解释或教程。 I setup unity ads for my mediation in admob and have almost no clue what ZoneId means. 我为admob中的中介设置了统一广告,几乎不了解ZoneId的含义。 I just entered the integration Id on unity ads which was "rewardedVideo". 我刚刚在统一广告中输入了“ rewardedVideo”的集成ID。

I then entered the ad unit id into the googleplaydemoscript in unity and ran it, when I pressed the request and show rewarded video nothing happened. 然后,我将广告单元ID统一输入到googleplaydemoscript中,然后运行它,当我按下请求并显示奖励视频时,什么也没发生。

Can someone please give me a guide on how to setup rewarded ads in unity with admob? 有人可以给我指南如何与admob一起设置奖励广告吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

Look that answer from groups google. 在Google群组中寻找答案。

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/ZxbVL60cHFo https://groups.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/ZxbVL60cHFo

Check if your problem is correct folder for mediation setup. 检查您的问题是否是用于中介设置的正确文件夹。

Enable Ads in Unity 在Unity中启用广告

First, set the build targets and enable Unity Ads in the Services Panel. 首先,设置构建目标并在服务面板中启用Unity Ads。

  1. Open your game project, or create a new Unity project. 打开您的游戏项目,或创建一个新的Unity项目。
  2. Select Edit > Build Settings and set the platform to iOS or Android 选择Edit > Build Settings然后将平台设置为iOSAndroid
  3. Enable Ads in the Unity Services window. 在Unity Services窗口中启用广告。

Once that's done, select Window > Services . 完成后,选择Window > Services Select an Organization from the drop down menu: Click Create . 从下拉菜单中选择组织:点击Create

Click Ads , and enable the SDK in your project: 点击Ads ,然后在您的项目中启用SDK:

Add the code 添加代码

  1. First, declare the Unity Ads namespace in the header of your script 首先,在脚本标题中声明Unity Ads命名空间

    using UnityEngine.Advertisements;

  2. Then, you can display an ad by calling the following method 然后,您可以通过调用以下方法来展示广告


Example Code 范例程式码

Add a button to your scene that plays an ad, then handles status and callbacks. 将一个按钮添加到播放广告的场景中,然后处理状态和回调。

Step 1: Select Game Object > UI > Button to add a Button in your scene 步骤1:选择“ Game Object > UI > Button以在场景中添加一个按钮

Step 2: Add the following script to the button: 步骤2:将以下脚本添加到按钮:

      using UnityEngine;
        using UnityEngine.Advertisements;

        public class UnityAdsExample : MonoBehaviour
          public void ShowRewardedAd()
            if (Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo"))
              var options = new ShowOptions { resultCallback = HandleShowResult };
              Advertisement.Show("rewardedVideo", options);

          private void HandleShowResult(ShowResult result)
            switch (result)
              case ShowResult.Finished:
                Debug.Log("The ad was successfully shown.");
                // YOUR CODE TO REWARD THE GAMER
                // Give coins etc.
              case ShowResult.Skipped:
                Debug.Log("The ad was skipped before reaching the end.");
              case ShowResult.Failed:
                Debug.LogError("The ad failed to be shown.");

Then simply press the editor Play button to test the Unity Ads Button integration. 然后只需按编辑器的“播放”按钮即可测试Unity Ads Button集成。

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