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如何比较 C# 中 foreach 循环中的顺序元素

[英]How to compare sequential elements in a foreach loop in C#

In a foreach loop I want to compare an element with the previous element that was read.在 foreach 循环中,我想将一个元素与读取的前一个元素进行比较。 How can I do that?我该怎么做? What is the syntax for addressing a previous element in a foreach loop?在 foreach 循环中寻址前一个元素的语法是什么?

You don't have that option built in with a foreach loop.您没有使用foreach循环内置该选项。
You can either switch to a for loop or use a variable.您可以切换到for循环或使用变量。

Suppose you iterate through a list of objects, these are your options:假设您遍历一个对象列表,这些是您的选择:

object prev = null;
foreach(var current in myListOfObjects)
    if(current == prev)
        // do stuff

    // don't forget the next row!
    prev = current;


for(var i = 1; i < myListOfObjects.count, i++) // Note: starting from 1 to avoid another condition inside the loop.
    if(myListOfObjects[i] == myListOfObjects[i-1])
        // do stuff

Everything is better with Bluetooth extension methods:使用 蓝牙 扩展方法一切都更好:

public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public struct CurrentAndPrevious<T>
        public T Current { get; private set; }
        public T Previous { get; private set; }

        public CurrentAndPrevious(T current, T previous) : this()
            Previous = previous;
            Current = current;

    public static IEnumerable<CurrentAndPrevious<T>> WithPrevious<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
        var previous = default(T);

        using(var enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator())
                yield return new CurrentAndPrevious<T>(enumerator.Current, previous);
                previous = enumerator.Current;

var items = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
foreach(var item in items.WithPrevious())
    Console.WriteLine(item.Previous + " " + item.Current);

You might need to tweak this depending on how you want first and last elements handled.您可能需要根据您希望如何处理第一个和最后一个元素来调整它。

You can loop over a bit modified source instead of initial, say ListOfMyObjects :您可以遍历稍微修改过的source而不是初始source ,例如ListOfMyObjects

MyObject prior = default(MyObject);

var source = ListOfMyObjects
  .Select(item => {
     var result = new {
       Current = item,
       Prior = prior, 

     prior = item; // side effect, not a good practice

     return result;  

So you can loop所以你可以循环

foreach(var item in source) {
  if (item.Prior == item.Current) {

A foreach itself has no syntax 'for addressing a previous element'. foreach本身没有“用于寻址前一个元素”的语法。 There are two options, depending on the characteristics of the collection and also the notion of a 'previous' element in respect of the first one.有两种选择,具体取决于集合的特征以及关于第一个元素的“先前”元素的概念。 The following the examples are a little bit simplistic, but you should be able to choose the right path and fine-tune the details.下面的例子有点简单,但你应该能够选择正确的路径并微调细节。

Option 1: Use a temporary variable选项 1:使用临时变量

Works well if there's no cheap (performance-wise) way to index elements in the sequence, and you are OK with 'pretending' there's an empty ( null , or default(T) ) item before the very first item.如果没有廉价(性能方面)索引序列中元素的方法,则效果很好,并且您可以“假装”在第一个项目之前有一个空( nulldefault(T) )项目。

T previous = default(T);  // corresponds to null for reference types
foreach (T item in sequence)
     … work with previous and item here…

     // the current 'item' is the new 'previous' for the next iteration
     previous = item;

Note that if T is a value type, your would be actually copying the values themselves.请注意,如果 T 是值类型,则您实际上是在复制值本身。

Option 2: Use a for loop and indexing选项 2:使用for循环和索引

Works well if there is a cheap (performance-wise) way to index individual elements directly.工作得很好,如果一个便宜的(性能代价)的方式来直接索引单个元素。 List<T> and arrays are good examples here. List<T>和数组在这里是很好的例子。

// indexing from 1, i.e. from the second item in the sequence
for (int i = 1; i < sequence.Count; i++)
    var previous = sequence[i-1]; // this is obviously the previous item
    var current = sequence[i];    // this is obviously the current item

Similar to using a temp variable, however this solution moves the scope of the temp variable inside the loop类似于使用临时变量,但是此解决方案将临时变量的范围移动到循环内

var collection = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

foreach (var item in collection)
    var currentIndex = collection.IndexOf(item);
    if (currentIndex > 0 && currentIndex < collection.Count)
        var previousItem = collection[currentIndex - 1];

As mentioned by Pham X, one easy way to do this would be a temp variable.正如 Pham X 所提到的,一种简单的方法是使用临时变量。

ObjectType temp_object = null;
foreach(var entry in ListOfObjects)
        //this is the first time through...
        //it's anything after the first loop
        if(entry==temp_object) Console.WriteLine("There is a match between two entries.");
        else temp_object=entry;

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