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如何使用 Python 从文件名中提取日期?

[英]How to extract date from the filename using Python?

I am trying to extract the date from this filename format:我正在尝试从此文件名格式中提取日期:


I thought maybe I can do it with re.findall() but could not do it.我想也许我可以用re.findall()做到这一点,但不能做到。

Example without regex没有正则表达式的例子

Code :代码

s = 'output_AU1001-BY.20160502.csv'
date = s.split(".")[1]
print date

Output :输出

>>> 20160502

Here is one way:这是一种方法:

import re

d = 'output_AU1001-BY.20160502.csv'
d = re.sub('output_[A-Z]+[0-9]+-BY[.]([0-9]+)[.]csv$', r'\1', d)
print d


  • output_ is constant for all file names output_对于所有文件名都是常量
  • AU is variable, but will always be ALL CAPS AU是可变的,但总是全部大写
  • -BY. is constant for all file names对于所有文件名都是常量
  • 20160502 is variable, but will always be all digits 20160502是可变的,但始终都是数字
  • .csv is constant for all file names .csv是所有文件名的常量

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