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[英]why chef-client dies randomly?

We are running knife bootstrap command and most of the time it works fine. 我们正在运行小刀引导程序命令,并且大多数情况下它运行良好。 Sometimes, we see that chef-client dies. 有时,我们看到厨师客户死亡。 We can see in ps -ef | 我们可以在ps -ef中看到| grep chef*, it returns empty. grep Chef *,它返回空。

Where as in Chef server, I am waiting for few hours and nothing happening. 在Chef服务器中,我正在等待几个小时,什么都没发生。 then I want to client machine and I do ps -ef | 然后我要客户端计算机,然后执行ps -ef | grep chef* , it is not running. grep Chef *,它没有运行。

Chef: 11.12.8 on red hat 6 Linux 厨师:在Red Hat 6 Linux上为11.12.8

How can I know why chef client die? 我怎么知道厨师客户为什么死?

chef-client doesn't run in the background by default, you have to configure that. 默认情况下, chef-client不在后台运行,您必须对其进行配置。 Usually with the cookbook also named chef-client . 通常在食谱中也称为chef-client If you do already have it set up as a service, check with your service layer to see why it is exiting (would be Upstart on EL6). 如果您已经将其设置为服务,请检查服务层以查看其退出原因(在EL6上为Upstart)。

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