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[英]Conditional Formating blank cells only based on other data

I am creating a workbook for completed training. 我正在为完成的培训创建工作簿。 I need to track who has completed training and whose training is overdue. 我需要跟踪谁完成了培训,谁的培训过期了。 I only want the formatting on blank cells. 我只想要空白单元格上的格式。 So if an employee has to complete a certain training in 56 days I have been using this conditional formatting =today()>(startdate Cell+ 56) but I have to create a new rule for every blank cell. 因此,如果员工必须在56天内完成某种培训,则我一直在使用这种条件格式= today()>(startdate Cell + 56),但是我必须为每个空白单元格创建一个新规则。 I know I can adjust this with removing the $ but then it also formats the filled cells. 我知道我可以通过删除$来进行调整,但同时它也可以格式化填充的单元格。 Is there a way to format the whole column, but leave the cells that are already filled alone? 有没有一种方法可以格式化整个列,但是将已经填充的单元格保留为空?

Assuming startdate Cell is A1 and the range of cells you want to format is A2:D6 : 假设startdate CellA1 ,而您要格式化的单元格范围为A2:D6

Select A2:D6 starting with A2 (so it is white). A2开始选择A2:D6 (因此为白色)。 Then add a new Conditional Formatting rule, and select "Use a formula...". 然后添加一个新的条件格式设置规则,然后选择“使用公式...”。

In the formula box enter =and(isblank(A2),today()>($A$1+56)) 在公式框中输入=and(isblank(A2),today()>($A$1+56))

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