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[英]subset recursively a data.frame

I have a data frame with close to a 4 million of rows in it. 我有一个包含近400万行的数据框。 I need an efficient to way to subset the data based on two criteria. 我需要一种有效的方法来基于两个条件对数据进行子集化。 I can do this is a for loop but was wondering if there is a more elegant way to do this, and obviously more efficient. 我可以这样做是一个for循环,但是想知道是否有更优雅的方法来执行此操作,并且效率显然更高。 The data.frame looks like this: data.frame看起来像这样:

SNP         CHR     BP          P
rs1000000   chr1    126890980   0.000007
rs10000010  chr4    21618674    0.262098    
rs10000012  chr4    1357325     0.344192
rs10000013  chr4    37225069    0.726325    
rs10000017  chr4    84778125    0.204275    
rs10000023  chr4    95733906    0.701778
rs10000029  chr4    138685624   0.260899
rs1000002   chr3    183635768   0.779574
rs10000030  chr4    103374154   0.964166    
rs10000033  chr2    139599898   0.111846    
rs10000036  chr4    139219262   0.564791
rs10000037  chr4    38924330    0.392908    
rs10000038  chr4    189176035   0.971481    
rs1000003   chr3    98342907    0.000004
rs10000041  chr3    165621955   0.573376
rs10000042  chr3    5237152     0.834206    
rs10000056  chr4    189321617   0.268479
rs1000005   chr1    34433051    0.764046
rs10000062  chr4    5254744     0.238011    
rs10000064  chr4    127809621   0.000044
rs10000068  chr2    36924287    0.000003
rs10000075  chr4    179488911   0.100225    
rs10000076  chr4    183288360   0.962476
rs1000007   chr2    237752054   0.594928
rs10000081  chr1    17348363    0.517486    
rs10000082  chr1    167310192   0.261577    
rs10000088  chr1    182605350   0.649975
rs10000092  chr4    21895517    0.000005
rs10000100  chr4    19510493    0.296693    

The first I need to do is to select those SNP with a P value lower than a threshold, then order this subset by CHR and POS . 我首先要做的是选择那些P值低于阈值的SNP ,然后按CHRPOS排序此子集。 This is the easy part, using subset and order . 这是简单的部分,使用subsetorder However, the next step is the tricky one. 但是,下一步是棘手的​​。 Once I have this subset, I need to fetch all the SNP that fall into a 500,000 window up and down from the significant SNP , this step will define a region. 一旦我有这个子集,我需要获取所有SNP从显著陷入500,000窗口上下SNP ,这一步将定义一个区域。 I need to do it for all the significant SNP and store each region into a list or something similar to carry out further analysis. 我需要对所有重要的SNP都执行此操作,并将每个区域存储到列表或类似内容中以进行进一步的分析。 For example, in the displayed data frame the most significant SNP (ie below a threshold of 0.001) for CHR==chr1 is rs1000000 and for CHR==chr4 is rs10000092 . 例如,在显示的数据帧中, CHR==chr1的最高有效SNP (即低于0.001的阈值)为rs1000000 ,而CHR==chr4的最高有效SNPrs10000092 Thus these two SNP would define two regions and I need to fetch in each of these regions the SNPs that fall into a region of 500,000 up and down from the POS of each of the most significant SNP . 因此,这两个SNP将定义两个区域,我需要在每个这些区域中获取从每个最高SNPPOS上下掉入500,000的SNP

I know it a bit complicated, right now, I am doing the tricky part by hand but it takes a long time to do it. 我知道这有点复杂,现在,我正在手工完成棘手的部分,但是要花很长时间。 Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Here is a partial solution ir R using data.table , which is probably the fastest way to go in R when dealing with large datasets. 这是使用data.table R的部分解决方案,这可能是处理大型数据集时进入R的最快方法。

library(data.table) # v1.9.7 (devel version)

df <- fread("C:/folderpath/data.csv") # load your data
setDT(df) # convert your dataset into data.table

1st step 第一步

# Filter data under threshold 0.05 and Sort by CHR, POS
  df <- df[ P < 0.05, ][order(CHR, POS)]

2nd step 第二步

df[, {idx = (1:.N)[which.min(P)]
      SNP[seq(max(1, idx - 5e5), min(.N, idx + 5e5))]}, by = CHR]

Saving output in different files 将输出保存到其他文件中

df[, fwrite(copy(.SD)[, SNP := SNP], paste0("output", SNP,".csv")), by = SNP]

ps. ps。 note that this answer uses fwrite , which is still in the development version of data.table . 请注意,此答案使用fwrite ,它仍在data.table的开发版本中。 Go here for install instructions . 请转到此处获取安装说明 You could simply use write.csv , however you're dealing with a big dataset so speed is quite important and fwrite is certainly one of the fastest alternatives . 您可以简单地使用write.csv ,但是您要处理的是大型数据集,因此速度非常重要,而fwrite无疑是最快的替代方法之一

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