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Angular JS Directive在表达式中加载

[英]Angular JS Directive loaded in expression

I'm new to Angular, and have found a ton of resources about directives and nesting, but can't seem to get this simple example to work. 我是Angular的新手,已经找到了大量关于指令和嵌套的资源,但似乎无法让这个简单的例子起作用。 So basically I am working on a tabset, I have an HTML template: 所以基本上我正在制作一个tabset,我有一个HTML模板:


        <li ng-repeat="tab in tabset.tabs" ng-class="{active:tabset.current()==$index}">
            <a href ng-click="tabset.current($index)">{{tab}}</a>
        <div ng-repeat="pane in tabset.panes">
            <div ng-show="tabset.current()==$index">

And a search form template: 和搜索表单模板:


    <form name="ytSearch" ng-submit="YTCtrl.submit()" novalidate>
        <label for="search_box">Search For: </label>
        <input id="search_box" ng-model="YTCtrl.searchString"/>
        <label for="location">Location: </label>
        <input id="location" ng-model="YTCtrl.location"/>
        <input type="numeric" value="100" ng-model="YTCtrl.locationRadius" />
        <select ng-model="YTCtrl.locationUnit">
            <option value="ft">Feet</option>
            <option value="m">Meters</option>
            <option value="mi">Miles</option>
            <option value="km">Kilometers</option>
        <label for="search_order">Sort By: </label>
        <select id="search_order" ng-model="YTCtrl.order">
            <option value="relevance">Relevance</option>
            <option value="date">Date</option>
            <option value="rating">Rating</option>
        <button id="search">

And a simple app file with 2 directives to handle each of the templates: 还有一个简单的app文件,带有2个指令来处理每个模板:


(function() {
    angular.module("JHYT", [])
        .directive("sidebarTabset", function($compile) {
            return {
                restrict : 'E',
                templateUrl : 'tabset.html',
                controller : function($scope, $compile, $http) {
                    this._current = 0;
                    this.current = function(i) {
                        if (i != null)
                            this._current = i;
                        return this._current;
                    this.tabs = ['Search', 'Favorite'];
                    this.panes = [{
                        contents : "<search-form></search-form>"
                    }, {
                        contents : "Favorite Pane"
                controllerAs : 'tabset',
        directive("searchForm", function() {
            return {
                restrict : 'E',
                templateUrl : 'search-form.html',
                controller : function($scope, $compile, $http) {
                    this.searchString = '';
                    this.location = '';
                    this.locationRadius = '';
                    this.locationUnit = 'mi';
                    this.order = 'relevance';
                    this.submit = function() {
                controllerAs : 'YTCtrl',

So as you can probably tell, the idea is to be able to send a JSON object into the tabset (through a service probably) and have it build out a dynamic tabset, that actually works exactly as I expected it to. 正如您可能已经知道的那样,我们的想法是能够将JSON对象发送到tabset(可能通过服务),并让它构建一个动态tabset,它实际上与我预期的完全相同。 What isn't working is that in the first tab, the content, which is <search-form></search-form> is not processed, and the tag is rendered as plain text in the content area. 不起作用的是,在第一个选项卡中,不处理<search-form></search-form>内容,并且标记在内容区域中呈现为纯文本。

Since this is a tabset, the "child" doesn't need anything from the "parent", the search form and the tab itself have no scope dependencies. 由于这是一个tabset,“child”不需要“parent”中的任何内容,搜索表单和选项卡本身没有作用域依赖性。 I tried playing with the link and compile functions after seeing some examples of nested structures, but can't seem tog et them to work. 在看到嵌套结构的一些例子后,我尝试使用链接和编译函数,但似乎无法使用它们。

How can I process the content of that variable so that element directives are rendered using their templates? 如何处理该变量的内容,以便使用其模板呈现元素指令?

EDIT: 编辑:

@sielakos Gave me exactly what I was hoping for, a reusable method for doing this. @sielakos给了我正是我希望的东西,这是一个可重复使用的方法。

I added a directive to my module called compile, which adds a wrapper to allow me to use plain text: 我在我的模块中添加了一个名为compile的指令,它添加了一个包装器以允许我使用纯文本:

.directive("compile", function($compile){
            return {
                restrict: 'A',
                link: function(scope, element, attr){
                    attr.$observe("compile", function(str){
                        var compiled = $compile("<div>"+str+"</div>")(scope);

And I changed my tabset to use this directive: 我更改了我的tabset以使用此指令:

        <li ng-repeat="tab in tabset.tabs" ng-class="{active:tabset.current()==$index}">
            <a href ng-click="tabset.current($index)">{{tab}}</a>
        <div ng-repeat="pane in tabset.panes">
            <div ng-show="tabset.current()==$index">
                <div compile="{{pane.contents}}"></div>

You will need to compile your string using $compile service if you wish to use it as you would use template. 如果您希望像使用模板一样使用它,则需要使用$ compile服务编译字符串。 Otherwise it will be treated as normal string and displayed as it is. 否则,它将被视为普通字符串并按原样显示。

Here is example how to use it inside directive: 以下是如何在指令中使用它的示例:

var compiled = $compile(str)(scope);

If you wish you can look at this fiddle for more complex example: https://jsfiddle.net/x78uuwp2/ 如果你希望你能看到这个小提琴更复杂的例子: https//jsfiddle.net/x78uuwp2/

Here I created simple compile directive that takes string compiles it and puts as element body with current scope. 在这里,我创建了一个简单的编译指令,它接受字符串编译并将当前范围作为元素体。

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