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[英]Is it possible to access Chef in Ruby outside of a cookbook/recipe?

I am looking to have a ruby script on my Chef workstation that would use the Chef ruby gem and would be able to access data bags on its own, without being a cookbook or recipe. 我正在寻找一个Chef工作站上的ruby脚本,该脚本将使用Chef ruby​​ gem,并能够独立访问数据包,而无需成为食谱或食谱。

Are you able to do this? 你能做到吗?

To add to Stephen's answer/comment, check out knife exec for simple one-liners. 要添加到斯蒂芬的答案/评论中,请查看knife exec以获取简单的单线。 It is usually easier to get going than chef-api. 通常比Chef-api更容易上手。

存在多个API客户端,包括Chef-apiridley ,它们应允许您访问数据袋。

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