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[英]Where is DB connection located for JPA using persistence.xml?

I was trying to use jasypt to encrypt/decrypt passwords in my persistence.xml but thats not working too good. 我试图使用jasypt来加密/解密persistence.xml中的密码,但这不能很好地工作。 Sooo.. I figured maybe I can do it myself. 如此..我想也许我可以自己做。 My problem is not knowing where the db account is accessed so I can get a handle to it. 我的问题是不知道在哪里访问数据库帐户,因此我可以处理它。 Here is the password in my persistence.xml: 这是我的persistence.xml中的密码:

 <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="mydbpassword" />

This works find and the app connects to the database. 这可以找到并且应用程序连接到数据库。 When I do a grep of hibernate.connection.password the only hits are the persistence.xml. 当我执行hibernate.connection.password的grep时,唯一的命中是persistence.xml。

Does anyone know where in the code I could get a handle to this to manually decrypt and encrypted password? 有谁知道在代码中的哪个位置可以手动处理解密和加密的密码?

thanks! 谢谢!

UPDATE2 - Got it Working! UPDATE2-可以正常工作! I tried using the JNDI route. 我尝试使用JNDI路由。 Here are the settings to get it to work: 以下是使其生效的设置:

persistence.xml persistence.xml

<persistence-unit name="MyApp" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
             <property name="hibernate.connection.datasource" value="java:/myDB" />

oracle-ds.xml (in jboss deploy directory) oracle-ds.xml(在jboss部署目录中)


Normally you should not set the password in your persistence.xml but rather doing it over JNDI and setting it in the container configuration. 通常,您不应在persistence.xml设置密码,而应通过JNDI进行设置并在容器配置中进行设置。 That way the password is not stored in your version control and can be only accessed / changed in the container ( tomcat, jboss, websphere & etc ). 这样,密码就不会存储在版本控制中,并且只能在容器(tomcat,jboss,websphere等)中访问/更改。 See Tomcat JNDI How-To for a sample & details 有关示例和详细信息,请参见Tomcat JNDI How-To

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