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如何使用适用于Java的Amazon Cognito身份SDK访问用户池

[英]How to Access User Pools using the Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for Java

I am exploring Amazon Cognito for one of my work related needs, I found this-aws cognito blog post about to access user pools via java script and this-aws cognito sdk on java , also this-use cases to access user pools in javascript 我正在探索Amazon Cognito来满足与工作相关的需求之一,我发现了这本aws cognito博客文章,即将通过Java脚本Java上的 this-aws cognito sdk 访问用户池 ,还介绍了此用例在javascript中访问用户池

I am looking similar examples or something similar reference in Java , my objective is to change such java code to Lambda functions, and all such user pools access would be done from API Gateway(On backend Java based lambda functions would work). 我正在寻找 类似的 示例或Java中的类似参考文献 ,我的目标是将此类Java代码更改为Lambda函数,并且所有此类用户池访问都将通过API Gateway完成(在基于后端Java的lambda函数上可以使用)。

Please find this link from AWS Blogs which is the exact use case for Cognito User Pool you are looking for and a very detailed step by step guide to implement it. 请从AWS Blogs中找到此链接该链接是您正在寻找的Cognito用户池的确切用例,并且是实现它的非常详细的分步指南。 I tried it and it worked, only difference is the deployment code consumes much more resources on S3 and lambda than Js code hence a pricing factor. 我尝试了一下,它奏效了,唯一的区别是部署代码在S3和lambda上比在Js代码上消耗更多的资源,因此是一个定价因素。 If you are looking for similar use case of java script here is a demo implementation for same. 如果您正在寻找类似的Java脚本用例,则这里是相同的演示实现。 It should solve your problem. 它应该可以解决您的问题。


The beta of Cognito User Pools does not support authentication using Java. Cognito用户池的beta版不支持使用Java进行身份验证。 Only iOS, Android and Javascript are supported at this time. 目前仅支持iOS,Android和Javascript。 There is a contributed pull request for node.js here which can be used with Lambda, but we are intentionally not exposing a Java SDK until General Availability because the authentication related apis are going to change. 没有为node.js的一个贡献拉动请求在这里可以和λ使用,但我们没有故意露出一个Java SDK,直到通用性,因为身份验证相关的API将会改变。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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