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[英]Powershell include variable in output csv

How can I easily add the input country to each line in the output csv file so that if I execute this with several countries for the country parameter I get the country info on each line? 如何在输入的csv文件中轻松地将输入国家/地区添加到每一行中,以便在对country参数使用多个国家/地区执行此操作时,可以在每一行中获取国家/地区信息?


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
foreach ($i in $Country)
    Get-ADUser -searchbase "ou=$i,ou=FMS,dc=xx,dc=xx,dc=com" -Filter * -properties msExchVersion,name,mail,DistinguishedName,whenCreated |
    Select-Object -Property name,mail,DistinguishedName,msExchVersion,whenCreated |
    Sort-Object name |
    Export-Csv -Path ".\$file" -Append -Encoding UTF8


select name,mail,DistinguishedName,msExchVersion,whenCreated,@{Name='Country';Expression={$i}}

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