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[英]How to discard/coalesce repeated AWT events?

When a user does some action (such as click a button), I need to display the status in the JLabel. 当用户执行某些操作(例如单击按钮)时,我需要在JLabel中显示状态。 This status needs to disappear after 2 seconds. 这种状态需要在2秒后消失。 I use the following for that. 我使用以下内容。

Timer timer = new Timer(2000, new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

However, it is possible that the user clicks the button many times and this timer is triggered multiple times. 但是,用户可能会多次单击该按钮,并且会多次触发此计时器。 This has an undesirable effect. 这具有不良影响。 When a button is clicked 3 times for instances. 单击一个按钮3次实例。

0th second: 1st click : label disppear at 2nd second 第0秒:第1次点击:标签在第2秒消失

1st second: 2nd click : label disppear at 3rd second 第1秒:第2次点击:标签在第3秒消失

2nd second: 3rd click : label disppear at 4th second 第二秒:第三次点击:标签在第四秒消失

Here, the label needs to disappear after the 4th second but will disappear after 2nd second. 这里,标签需要在第4秒后消失,但在第2秒后消失。 Therefore, I want this label to be hidden with a delay of 2s after only the last event 因此,我希望在最后一个事件之后隐藏此标签并延迟2秒

To handle this, I use an atomic counter. 为了解决这个问题,我使用原子计数器。

AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

Each task is given a unique 'taskCounter' using counter.incrementAndGet() 使用counter.incrementAndGet()为每个任务提供唯一的“taskCounter”


  Timer timer = new Timer(5000, new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (counter.get() == taskCounter) {

The above is only executed if it is the last event that has been triggered. 仅当它是已触发的最后一个事件时才执行上述操作。 Ensuring that, my label stays visible at least 2 seconds after the last event. 确保我的标签在最后一次活动后至少2秒钟保持可见状态。

Is there a better way of dealing with this problem? 有没有更好的方法来处理这个问题?

Given two instances of java.swing.Timer , let t1 fire at some some nominal rate that is less than two seconds. 给定两个java.swing.Timer实例,让t1以某个小于2秒的标称速率触发。 Let the ActionListener for t1 update the label and invoke restart() on t2 , which should have an initial delay of two seconds. ActionListener for t1更新label并在t2上调用restart() ,它应该具有两秒的初始延迟。 Let the ActionListener for t2 stop() itself and invoke label.setVisible(false) . ActionListener for t2 stop()本身并调用label.setVisible(false)

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