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用PHP的Ajax JQuery邮政编码查询MySql数据库不起作用

[英]Ajax JQuery post code with Php to query MySql database not working

I have an HTML form that runs a Javascript function on page load. 我有一个HTML表单,该表单在页面加载时运行Javascript函数。 In the Javascript function, a town name is sent via Ajax post call to Php function to get details from MySql database. 在Javascript函数中,城镇名称通过Ajax调用后发送给Php函数,以从MySql数据库获取详细信息。

Ajax call in JavaScript function JavaScript函数中的Ajax调用

var town = "Town name";          //depends on the previous execution in JS function
if (town != "undefined") {
        type: "POST",
        url: '../model/data_access/GetCity.php',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {town: town},
        success: function (obj) {
            document.getElementById("selectedLocation").value = obj[0]["name"];
            document.getElementById("placeDescriptionBox").value = obj[0]["description"];

GetCity.php GetCity.php

$town = $_POST['town'];

function get_city($town)
    $place = array();
    $db_conn = DBConnection::get_database_connection(); 
    $stmt = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM place WHERE name=?");
    $stmt->bind_param("s", $town);

    if (!($result = $stmt->get_result())) {
        echo "Error" . $stmt->error;

    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        $place[0] = new Place();
        echo json_encode($place);

The data from database are not displayed in the HTML form. 来自数据库的数据不会以HTML形式显示。 How can I solve this? 我该如何解决? I'm new to Ajax JQuery so any help is much appreciated. 我是Ajax JQuery的新手,因此非常感谢您的帮助。

You are making a POST request: 您正在发出POST请求:

 type: "POST", 

… but are trying to read the data from the query string: …但是试图从查询字符串中读取数据:

 $town = $_GET['town']; 

jQuery will post data in the request body when you make a POST request, so it will appear in $_POST not $_GET . 发出POST请求时,jQuery将在请求正文中发布数据,因此它将显示在$_POST而不是$_GET

Change type: "POST", to type: "GET", (or omit it entirely as GET is the default). 更改type: "POST", type: "GET", (或完全忽略它,因为GET是默认设置)。

if you are checking whether the variable exist are not : 如果您正在检查变量是否存在,则不是:

if (town != "undefined") {} should be if (typeof town !== "undefined") {} if(town!=“ undefined”){}应该是if(typeof town!==“ undefined”){}

Change $town = $_GET['town']; 更改$town = $_GET['town']; to $town = $_POST['town']; $town = $_POST['town']; as you used type: "POST", in your ajax request. 如您所使用的type: "POST",在ajax请求中type: "POST",

Please pass the town name with url encoded with javascript function encodeURI and please debug the code whether your php code returns the town list or not 请传递城镇名称,并带有使用javascript函数encodeURI编码的url,并且请调试代码,无论您的php代码是否返回城镇列表

    var town = "Town name";          //depends on the previous      execution in JS function
 if (town != "undefined") {
    type: "POST",
    url: '../model/data_access/GetCity.php',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: {town: town},
    success: function (obj) {

        document.getElementById("selectedLocation").value = obj[0]["name"];
        document.getElementById("placeDescriptionBox").value = obj[0]["description"];

} }

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