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从 OS X 文件引用 URL 别名获取路径 (file:///.file/id=...)

[英]Get path from OS X file reference URL alias (file:///.file/id=…)

In PyQt4 on Apple Mac OS X, we get a file reference URL to a drag-and-dropped file in the following format:在 Apple Mac OS X 上的 PyQt4 中,我们获得了拖放文件的文件引用 URL ,格式如下:


This, interestingly, is not a valid file URL, or at least it doesn't transparently resolve in most applications — there is no /.file/id=... file in the filesystem.有趣的是,这不是一个有效的文件 URL,或者至少在大多数应用程序中它不能透明地解析——文件系统中没有/.file/id=...文件。

Using just shell, how do I dereference this NSURL or file reference or alias (or whatever it's called) into a valid path to file on the filesystem?仅使用 shell,我如何将此 NSURL 或文件引用或别名(或任何名称)取消引用到文件系统上文件的有效路径中?

In Swift you can use URL.standardized to get the valid path from a reference URL.在 Swift 中,您可以使用 URL.standardized 从参考 URL 获取有效路径。 So in Swift 4 - to get the file name from a drag-and-dropped file you'd do something like...因此,在 Swift 4 中 - 要从拖放文件中获取文件名,您可以执行以下操作...

let fileType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType (kUTTypeFileURL as String)

extension NSPasteboardItem {
    func fileURL ()->URL? {
        if let refURL = self.string(forType: fileType) {
            return URL (fileURLWithPath: refURL).standardized
        return nil

One can use osascript , an AppleScript interpreter available on default OS X installs, run with the following script:可以使用osascript ,这是默认 OS X 安装上可用的AppleScript解释器,使用以下脚本运行:

osascript -e 'get posix path of posix file "file:///.file/id=123.456" -- kthxbai'

Prints /Users/josh/Downloads/paste-10837081.py .打印/Users/josh/Downloads/paste-10837081.py

那是一个 NSURL 对象,从中获取路径:

NSString *filePath = [fileURL path];

This can also be accomplished in Python using the PyObjC bridge.这也可以使用 PyObjC 桥在 Python 中完成。

from Foundation import NSURL # depends on PyObjC

# convert a URL file reference to a POSIX path

# convert a path file reference to a POSIX path

Be sure you to select the appropriate NSURL method for your data type or else you'll get the wrong value back.请确保为您的数据类型选择合适的 NSURL 方法,否则您将得到错误的值。


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