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使用Windows 10 SDK构建Cordova应用-无有效的MSBuilD

[英]Build Cordova Apps using Windows 10 SDK - No Valid MSBuilD

I have installed the Windows 10 SDK on my Windows 10 PC, but unfortunately I'm unable to build the cordova apps. 我已经在Windows 10 PC上安装了Windows 10 SDK,但是很遗憾,我无法构建cordova应用程序。 It give error "Error: No valid MSBuild was detected for the selected target." 它给出错误“错误:没有为所选目标检测到有效的MSBuild”。 I have google it but some are saying need to install MS Visual Studio, it really frustrating me because this MS Visual Studio is 9GB that so big in size. 我有谷歌它,但有人说需要安装MS Visual Studio,这真的让我感到沮丧,因为此MS Visual Studio的大小为9GB。 Is there anything that I can do with Windows 10 SDK or should I download the MS Visual Studio instead? 我可以使用Windows 10 SDK做任何事情,还是应该下载MS Visual Studio?

Visual Studio has a number of necessary components required to build and package a UWP app for distribution. Visual Studio具有构建和打包UWP应用进行分发所需的许多必要组件。 You will need to install Visual Studio. 您将需要安装Visual Studio。

Make sure you are using 'Command Prompt' and not some other terminal like 'Node JS Command Prompt' 确保您使用的是“命令提示符”,而不是其他终端,例如“ Node JS Command Prompt”

Also, there have been changes since this post that may help you. 另外,自从这篇文章以来,发生了一些变化,可能会对您有所帮助。

https://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2018/02/27/cordova-windows-6.0.0.html https://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2018/02/27/cordova-windows-6.0.0.html

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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