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[英]Node, Express, Jade dropdownlist

My code is below: The question is: 我的代码如下:问题是:

How do I make it so that my jade file will render a description of the event based on the value of the select menu? 如何使我的Jade文件根据选择菜单的值呈现事件的描述? Basically if the select option has a value of 1 then p should render p #{event[1].description}. 基本上,如果select选项的值为1,则p应该呈现p#{event [1] .description}。

considering Jade precompiles I don't have access to the DOM which eliminates document.getElementbyId("test").selectedIndex; 考虑到Jade预编译,我无权访问DOM,从而消除了document.getElementbyId("test").selectedIndex; Below is my attempt at solving it on server side. 下面是我在服务器端解决此问题的尝试。 I think I am missing something though because to me no matter the approach I will need access to the DOM to see the value change in the select menu to spit out the "event description". 我想我虽然缺少一些东西,因为对我而言,无论采用哪种方法,我都需要访问DOM才能在选择菜单中看到值更改以吐出“事件描述”。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Jade File 玉锉

    extends layout

block content

    form(role='form', action="/doSomthing", method="post")
      select#test.form-control(name = "choices")
        each events, i in event
         option(value=i) #{events.event}
      button.btn.btn-default(type='submit') Submit
      button.btn.btn-primary(type="button") Cancel

    p#{events[0].description} //I want to pass an array instead of explicitly  calling [0]

Route 路线

router.get('/eventreg', function(req, res) {
    var ei = event.eventid;
    var eiarray = Event.findOne({'eventid': cc });

    Event.find({}, function(err, event){
        res.render('eventreg', {user : req.user, event: event});

My thought was that I could create the looping array on server side so it would compile, but once the page has rendered and I change the selected option value it wouldn't recompile again on the fly. 我的想法是我可以在服务器端创建循环数组,以便对其进行编译,但是一旦页面已呈现并且我更改了所选的选项值,它就不会立即进行重新编译。

Would React solve this problem? React能解决这个问题吗? It seems like a bit overkill. 似乎有点矫kill过正。

Thank you again for your time everyone. 再次感谢大家的宝贵时间。

You can add a piece of JavaScript to your page that then does the desired text changes in the browser. 您可以在页面上添加一段JavaScript,然后在浏览器中进行所需的文本更改。 Add something like this to the bottom of your Jade page: 在Jade页面的底部添加以下内容:

  $('#theOptionField').on('change', function(e) {
    // get value that the user selected
    // modify the HTML of the element that should display the value

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