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[英]Visualize Live animated moving Marker

I have a mapping solution that is using OpenStreetMaps, Leaflet JS API and PostGIS Database. 我有一个使用OpenStreetMaps,Leaflet JS API和PostGIS Database的映射解决方案。 I have an API that is called from tracking device. 我有一个从跟踪设备调用的API。 Device send data (Longitude and Latitude) with an interval of 30 seconds. 设备以30秒的间隔发送数据(经度和纬度)。 I have plotted the data on the map as marker and draw polyline by joining the marker. 我已将地图上的数据绘制为标记,并通过连接标记绘制折线。 Now I need to plot live and animated marker of tracking. 现在我需要绘制实时和动画跟踪标记。 I am looking for aa solution similar to the following gif image. 我正在寻找类似于以下gif图像的解决方案。


https://i.imgur.com/KrOy634.gif https://i.imgur.com/KrOy634.gif

There is a Plugin of Leaflet JS API Called Moving Marker but I was unable to resolve. 有一个Leaflet JS API插件移动标记,但我无法解决。 It use three parameters (2 location and duration of animation). 它使用三个参数(2个位置和动画持续时间)。 I can add the location but can not control the duration. 我可以添加位置但无法控制持续时间。

var myMovingMarker = L.Marker.movingMarker([[48.8567, 2.3508],[50.45, 30.523333]],


What is the best way to visualize the live moving tracking? 可视化实时移动跟踪的最佳方法是什么? I know if there is a Speed parameter in device data then it can be possible. 我知道如果设备数据中有Speed参数,那么它是可能的。 Unfortunately there is no Speed parameter from device data. 遗憾的是,设备数据没有Speed参数。

To do this properly I have found that you need to obtain the point to point route and then iterate over the points to animate the marker across the path over the period between your location polling. 为了正确地做到这一点,我发现你需要获得点对点路线,然后迭代点以在你的位置轮询之间的时间段内在路径上设置标记的动画。 The basic approach I have used is to obtain the route from the start to end location using a service suchs as OSRM. 我使用的基本方法是使用OSRM等服务获取从开始到结束位置的路由。 Typically you will need to translate the encoded polyline into a set of points and then create a timer which updates the marker location periodically to the point in the polyline that is the proportion of the time between location updates. 通常,您需要将编码折线转换为一组点,然后创建一个计时器,定期更新标记位置到折线中的点,即位置更新之间的时间比例。 So if you have 300 points in your polyline route between points and your location update is every 30 secs you would set up a timer that triggers each second and moves the marker to the index of the point array at ( secs_since_geocode/30 * number of points ). 因此,如果在点之间的折线路线中有300个点,并且您的位置更新是每30秒,您将设置一个触发每秒的定时器并将标记移动到点阵列的索引处(secs_since_geocode / 30 *点数) )。 This could be smoothed even more be animating the transition from the starting marker location to the new marker location although the approach would need to ensure to be completed before the next timer event moves the marker again. 这可以被平滑甚至更多地动画从起始标记位置到新标记位置的过渡动画,尽管该方法需要确保在下一个定时器事件再次移动标记之前完成。

It's rough and ugly but you can see something that works ( need to wait about 20 secs ) at https://jsfiddle.net/pscott_au/1wt2o9Lw/ 这是粗糙和丑陋但你可以在https://jsfiddle.net/pscott_au/1wt2o9Lw/看到一些有用的东西(需要等待大约20秒)

Basically what I am trying to achieve is to provide some kind of transition for the marker between getting the location GPS coordinates which would typically be polled at some interval ( say 30 secs ). 基本上我想要实现的是在获得通常以某个间隔(例如30秒)轮询的位置GPS坐标之间为标记提供某种过渡。 Ideally you wish to show the marker moving smoothly between the locations in between these updates. 理想情况下,您希望显示标记在这些更新之间的位置之间平滑移动。 If driving you would ideally want to show the marker animating along the expected drive path and so need to obtain a path from a routing service. 如果驾驶,理想情况下,您希望在预期的驱动路径上显示标记动画,因此需要从路由服务获取路径。 I am using the public OSRM service although you would ideally set up your own backend for this or use a commercial offering. 我正在使用公共OSRM服务,尽管您最好为此设置自己的后端或使用商业产品。 So when a new location is obtained the approach is to get the route from the last location to the new location and then step toward that location along the path. 因此,当获得新位置时,方法是获取从最后位置到新位置的路线,然后沿着路径走向该位置。 More recent OSRM versions include an option to provide the result as a list of lat/lng points so no need to decode the encoded polyline. 最近的OSRM版本包括一个选项,可以将结果作为lat / lng点列表提供,因此无需解码编码折线。 So just need to create a queue of points and then pop locations off at small interval of say 500ms to move the marker. 因此,只需创建一个点队列,然后以500ms的小间隔关闭位置以移动标记。 The other answer is excellent and provides a good approach to smoothing the animation even further. 另一个答案非常好,并提供了一种更好的平滑动画的方法。 The path is constructed from the returned result as follows: 路径是根据返回的结果构造的,如下所示:

  url: url, 
 success: function(data){

 //console.log( 'Got route ' + JSON.stringify(data.route_geometry) );
 // if we assume that we have 30 secs until the next geo location then we need to animate 
 // across this path for this duration - to demonstrate we will animate every 2 secs over 20 secs
 // so to calculate the index offset we will divide the number of points in our path by 20
route_geometry = [];
// console.log( data.route_geometry );
var inc_offset = $(data.route_geometry ).size() / 20;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { 
   console.log(i + ' x inc_offset of ' + inc_offset );
   route_geometry.push( data.route_geometry[ Math.round(i*inc_offset ) ] );


Over the next couple of days I will refine and clean this up and then update this answer. 在接下来的几天里,我将完善并清理它,然后更新这个答案。

Your code works for me, see http://playground-leaflet.rhcloud.com/tozo/edit?html,output 您的代码适用于我,请参阅http://playground-leaflet.rhcloud.com/tozo/edit?html,output

I can add the location but can not control the duration. 我可以添加位置但无法控制持续时间。

Erm, it's the second parameter, with a value of 20000 msecs? 嗯,这是第二个参数,值为20000毫秒?

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