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python zipfile多个文件

[英]python zipfile multiple files

i am having problems with python and zipfile, namely: I can't add a second file to my zip. 我在使用python和zipfile时遇到问题,即:我无法在zip中添加第二个文件。 here is my code, if you need more, I'll be glad to provide it. 这是我的代码,如果您需要更多代码,我们将很乐意提供。

def zipDir(fn_source, fn_destinationFolder):
  ''' fn_destinationFolder = folder to zip
      fn_source = destination path for the zip
  fn_zipfileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.basename(fn_source)),fn_destinationFolder)+'.zip'

  with zipfile.ZipFile(fn_zipfileName, 'w') as fn_zipfile:
    for csvFile in os.listdir(fn_destinationFolder):
#     fn_zipfile.write(csvFile)
      if csvFile.endswith('.csv'):
          # fn_zipfile.write(os.path.join(fn_destinationFolder,csvFile))   ## write the whole filestructure to zip, '/home/uname/.../xyz.zip'
          fn_zipfile.write(csvFile)                                       ## write only the file to zip  'xyz.zip'
        except IOError:
          print('did not add',csvFile,'to',fn_zipfile)
  return fn_zipfileName

in the "test" dir, I have 2 files: "example.csv" and "example1.csv" this results in the following error: 在“测试”目录中,我有2个文件:“ example.csv”和“ example1.csv”,这将导致以下错误:

python3.5 removing_the_header_from_CSV.py --from test --to zip
Removed headers from example.csv
Removed headers from example1.csv
did not add example1.csv to <zipfile.ZipFile filename='/home/xxx/repos/automate_the_boring_stuff/14_csv_files_and_json_data/NEW_test_2016-05-22_12-19-23.zip' mode='w'>
File Name                                             Modified             Size
example.csv                                    2016-05-20 17:12:19          191
zipfile can be found at /home/xxx/repos/automate_the_boring_stuff/14_csv_files_and_json_data/NEW_test_2016-05-22_12-19-23.zip

if I only use the "fn_zipfile.write(csvFile)", I get this extra info: 如果我仅使用“ fn_zipfile.write(csvFile)”,则会得到以下额外信息:

python3.5 removing_the_header_from_CSV.py --from test --to zip
Removed headers from example.csv
Removed headers from example1.csv
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "removing_the_header_from_CSV.py", line 169, in <module>
  File "removing_the_header_from_CSV.py", line 156, in main
zipfileName = zipDir(source, destinationFolder)
  File "removing_the_header_from_CSV.py", line 112, in zipDir
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/zipfile.py", line 1433, in write
st = os.stat(filename)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'example1.csv'

I tried this with different files and always the same result except when I only have 1 file in my test dir. 我用不同的文件尝试了此操作,并始终获得相同的结果,除非测试目录中只有1个文件。 Then, all works as expected. 然后,一切正常。

One of your problems is that you are listing the contents of some remote source directory, for some reason called fn_destinationFolder , to get the file names, filtering for .csv - lower case only and then telling the zipfile to add the filename. 您的问题之一是, 由于某种原因 ,您正在列出某个远程目录的内容,该目录称为fn_destinationFolder ,以获取文件名,仅过滤.csv(小写),然后告诉zipfile添加文件名。 This is like saying to someone, who is in London , get a yellow cab at the junction of 1st and Main after checking that those streets exist in New York and that there is a cab rank there. 这就像对伦敦的某人说的那样,在检查了纽约的街道并存在出租车等级之后,在1st和Main的交界处得到了一辆黄色出租车。

Make sure that you pass fn_zipfile.write the full path to the input file - you can also override the name inside of the zip file, eg: 确保传递fn_zipfile.write输入文件的完整路径-您也可以覆盖zip文件中的名称,例如:

fn_zipfile.write(os.path.join(fn_destinationFolder, csvFile), csvFile)

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