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[英]Redux state is being changed but props are undefined when using mapStateToProps

I am using React-redux in my app and I have encountered this problem where I am using connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Component) and am able to successfuly manipulate the redux state with the mapped dispatch. 我在我的应用程序中使用React-redux,我遇到了这个问题,我使用connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(Component)并且能够成功地使用映射的调度来操作redux状态。 Using the dev tools I see that the state has changed successfully, but the mapped props are always undefined in any component. 使用开发工具我看到状态已成功更改,但映射的props在任何组件中始终未定义。

Example component where I am trying it: 我正在尝试的示例组件:

class DashboardPage extends React.Component {
  componentWillMount() {
  render() {
    return (
            <div className="dashboard-container">

                <button onClick={() =>  {this.props.logout()}}>
            <button onClick={() =>  {browserHistory.push('/app/play')}}>
            <button onClick={() =>  {this.props.setIsLoading(true)}}>

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    idToken: state.idToken,

export default connect(mapStateToProps, { logout, setIsLoading })(DashboardPage);

However, this has been working before. 但是,这之前一直在努力。 I took a break from the code for a while so I don't exactly remember what I have changed to break this, but I am quite sure it has something to do with React router so here's my routes: 我暂时从代码中休息了一段时间,所以我不记得我改变了什么来打破这个,但我很确定它与React路由器有关,所以这里是我的路线:

export default (
    <Route path="/" component={App}>
        <Route path="app" component={Authorized}>
            <IndexRedirect to="/app/dashboard"/>
            <Route path="dashboard" component={DashboardPage} />
            <Route path="play" component={PlayPage}/>
        <Route path="login" component={Login} />

I am basically using App as the main container, where I call a thunk action that checks whether there's a token in localStorage and then if yes, calls and action that reapplies the token state (the same action called on successfull login). 我基本上使用App作为主容器,我在其中调用thunk动作来检查localStorage中是否有令牌,然后如果是,则重新应用令牌状态的调用和操作(成功登录时调用相同的操作)。 This action, before reapplying the state, redirects the user to /app/dashboard , if there are no credentials saved in localStorage, the app redirects to /login automatically. 在重新应用状态之前,此操作会将用户重定向到/app/dashboard ,如果localStorage中没有保存凭据,则应用会自动重定向到/login

my index.js : 我的index.js

const appRoot = document.getElementById('app-root');

const store = createStore(reducers, compose(
    window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />
  , appRoot);

Is there anything that I am doing wrong about the routing, that makes mapStateToProps not return the props correctly ? 我有什么错误的路由,这使得mapStateToProps没有正确返回道具?

Thanks in advance for help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

EDIT: I just edited my mapStateToProps to this, in order to see whether the state gets passed: 编辑:我刚刚编辑了我的mapStateToProps ,以查看状态是否通过:

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    idToken: state.idToken,

and the log output is undefined 并且日志输出undefined

I feel you did not add your previous state in reducer when you updated your state. 当您更新状态时,我觉得您没有在reducer中添加以前的状态。 For example if your new state is return {action.something}, then it might be {...state , action.something}. 例如,如果您的新状态是return {action.something},那么它可能是{... state,action.something}。 i had such problem. 我有这样的问题。 i am not expert, still working and learning. 我不是专家,仍在工作和学习。

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