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python2.7导入pyautogui xlib错误

[英]Python2.7 import pyautogui xlib error

I have a problem, when I try import pyautogui I will get this error msg. 我有一个问题,当我尝试导入pyautogui我会收到此错误消息。

Xlib.xauth : warning, failed to parse part of xauthority file ( /home/John/.Xauthority ), aborting all further parsing Xlib.xauth :警告,无法解析部分xauthority文件( /home/John/.Xauthority ),中止所有进一步的解析

Thanks for answers. 感谢您的回答。

降级至python-xlib = 0.14 + 20091101-1ubuntu2可能会有所帮助: https ://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-xlib/+bug/1522107

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