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[英]Yii2 Models Validations

I am working on Yii2, however I have a model this model have some attributes, some are required on insert/create mode and some are required on update mode, let say mode = scenario, So I created a Form model with 2 scenarios insert and update, then I set validation rules for the attributes as the scenario, the question is: shall I define the scenarios in both models(Active Record and Form Model)? 我正在研究Yii2,但是我有一个模型这个模型有一些属性,有些在插入/创建模式下是必需的,有些在更新模式下是必需的,比如mode = scenario,所以我创建了一个带有2个场景插入的表单模型更新,然后我将属性的验证规则设置为场景,问题是:我应该在两个模型中定义场景(活动记录和表单模型)吗?

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Scenarios should be defined in your model .. 应在您的模型中定义方案..

and you should set the scenario youwant use in your related action 并且您应该在相关操作中设置您想要使用的方案

    public function  actionUpdate(){


    $model->scenario = 'update';
    ActiveRecord read from the database has the "update" scenario, while a new record has the "insert" scenario.
    $modelA = User::model()->findByPk(1); // $model->scenario = 'update'
    $modelB = new User();                 // $model->scenario = 'insert'
    $modelB->scenario = 'light';          // custom scenario
    if ($modelB->validate()) {            // will only apply rules of the "light" scenario

You can do so, in your model: 你可以在你的模型中这样做:

class YourModel extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    const SCENARIO_CREATE = 'create';
    const SCENARIO_UPDATE = 'update';

public function scenarios(){
    $scenarios = parent::scenarios();
    $scenarios[static::SCENARIO_CREATE] = ['field_1', 'field_2'];
    $scenarios[static::SCENARIO_UPDATE] = ['field_1', 'field_3'];
    return $scenarios;


In Your conttroller: 在您的控制器中:

class YourController extends Controller {


    public function actionCreate(){
        $model = new YourModel()

        $model->scenario = YourModel::SCENARIO_CREATE;

        if($model->validate()){ // validate fields specifed in YourModel SCENARIO_CREATE



    public function actionUpdate(){
        $model = new YourModel()

        $model->scenario = YourModel::SCENARIO_UPDATE;

        if($model->validate()){ // validate fields specifed in YourModel SCENARIO_UPDATE 



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