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[英]How to change URL already rewritten with mod_rewrite

I'm trying to modify a RewriteRule for my routing. 我正在尝试为我的路由修改RewriteRule。 I'm using for test this page http://htaccess.mwl.be/ . 我用来测试这个页面http://htaccess.mwl.be/

The request URL is : 请求URL是:


.htaccess rules is: .htaccess规则是:

RewriteRule !^index.php - [C]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?$0

The output 1 URL is : 输出1的URL是:


This rule works for all pages but for the chunk "?status=CLEARED& ... " this rules is not sufficient. 此规则适用于所有页面,但对于块“?status = CLEARED&...”,此规则是不够的。

So I commented below rules: 所以我评论下面的规则:

#RewriteRule !^index.php - [C]
#RewriteRule (.*) index.php?$0

and added this one: 并添加了这个:

 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} status=(\w+)&amount=(\w+\.{1}\w*)&currency=(\w+)&description=(\w+)&hash=(\w+)&id_sale=(\d+)
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?$0status/%1/amount/%2/currency/%3/description/%4/hash/%5/id_sale/%6

The Output 2 URL is : 输出2 URL是:


Another modification is as follows : 另一种修改如下:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} status=(\w+)&amount=(\w+\.{1}\w*)&currency=(\w+)&description=(\w+)&hash=(\w+)&id_sale=(\d+)
RewriteRule ^backFromPayment/1/ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/backFromPayment/1/status/%1/amount/%2/currency/%3/description/%4/hash/%5/id_sale/%6?

The output 3 URL is : 输出3的URL是:


My modifications doesn't work. 我的修改不起作用。 But I noticed that when I modified the URL manually (copy/paste output 3) the URL works. 但我注意到,当我手动修改URL(复制/粘贴输出3)时,URL工作。

So I must modify this section of .htaccess: 所以我必须修改.htaccess的这一部分:

RewriteRule !^index.php - [C]
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?$0

What to do to modify this section? 如何修改此部分?

When you add a query string in the substitution part of the RewriteRule , this new query string overwrites any previous query string. RewriteRule的替换部分中添加查询字符串时,此新查询字符串将覆盖任何以前的查询字符串。 If you want to keep the previous query string, add a QSA flag, eg 如果要保留先前的查询字符串,请添加QSA标志,例如

RewriteRule .* index.php?$0 [QSA]

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