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[英]Shell variable substitution in command

How can i get the below command working. 我如何使以下命令正常工作。

export CURDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/test/type" \
  -d ' { "AlertType": "IDLE", "@timestamp": $CURDATE }'

I am getting error "reason":"Unrecognized token '$CURDATE': was expecting" How do i get the variable substitution correct in the code above 我收到错误“原因”:“无法识别的标记'$ CURDATE':正在期待”我如何在上面的代码中正确获得变量替换

Single quotes will not expand variables, use double quotes: 单引号不会扩展变量,请使用双引号:

curdate=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/test/type" \
  -d '{"AlertType": "IDLE", "@timestamp": "'"$curdate"'"}'

I also added JSON quotes around the expansion so it becomes something like: 我还在扩展周围添加了JSON引号,因此它变成了类似以下内容:

{"AlertType": "IDLE", "@timestamp": "2016-05-23"}

There shouldn't be any need to export the variable. 不需要导出变量。 And usually only environment variables are written all caps. 通常,只有环境变量写成全大写。 And last I changed the command substitution to $(...) 最后我将命令替换更改为$(...)

'{"AlertType": "IDLE", "@timestamp": "'"$curdate"'"}'
#                                    ^^
#                                    |End singlequotes
#                                    JSON quote

If you're going to hand-write your JSON, it's simpler to read it from standard input than try to embed it in an argument: 如果您要手写JSON,那么从标准输入中读取它比尝试将其嵌入参数中要简单得多:

curl -XPOST -d@- "$URL" <<EOF
{ "AlertType": "IDLE",
  "@timestamp": "$CURDATE"

You should use a tool like jq to generate the JSON for you, though. 不过,您应该使用jq类的工具为您生成JSON。

date +%F | jq -R '{AlertType: "IDLE", "@timestamp": .}' | curl -XPOST -d@- "$URL" 

or letting json built the timestamp entirely on its own 或者让json完全自行构建时间戳

jq -n '{AlertType: "IDLE", "@timestamp": (now | strftime("%F"))}' | curl ...

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