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[英]Angular Material Autocomplete - Searches on Select

I've created this cool little control in Angular Material that anyone is welcome to use (see fiddle). 我在Angular Material中创建了这个很酷的小控件,欢迎任何人使用(请参见小提琴)。 It's basically an Angular Material's Autocomplete field that utilizes Google's Geolocation service as you type. 它基本上是Angular Material的“自动完成”字段,在您键入时会利用Google的Geolocation服务。 Since doesn't have a delay directive, I'm adding special code to only search when the user stops typing after 700ms. 由于没有延迟指令,因此我添加了特殊代码,仅在用户在700毫秒后停止键入时才进行搜索。

My problem is - why does the MD-Autocomplete fire a query event as soon as an item is selected? 我的问题是-为什么选择项目后MD自动完成功能会触发查询事件?

Here is HTML: 这是HTML:

<md-autocomplete flex style="width: 50%; margin: auto; padding-top: 10em" 
    md-items="item in querySearch(ctrl.orig_loc_query)"
    md-floating-label="Type address or location name">

    <span md-highlight-text="">{{item.formatted_address}}</span>

Here is JS querySearch function: 这是JS querySearch函数:

// this is called every time a user types a character AND when item is selected... for some odd reason
$scope.querySearch = function(query) {
    var deferred = $.Deferred();

    // clear old request if something typed within 700ms
    if (locQuery) {
    // run the query in 700ms. it will be cleared if the user types within 700ms
    locQuery = setTimeout(function() {
        // call google's geocoder
            'address': query
        }, deferred.resolve);
    }, 700);

    return deferred.promise().then(function(response) {
        return response;

Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/NeoSHNIK/jgpgv4Ls/3/ 这是小提琴: https : //jsfiddle.net/NeoSHNIK/jgpgv4Ls/3/

Again, the problem is - after you make a selection, it will do another search... why? 同样,问题是-选择之后,它将进行另一次搜索...为什么?

I kinda figured it out. 我有点想通了。 Its happening because the field's variable "searchText" changes two times before it gets formatted by my formatter "{{item.formatted_address}}". 之所以发生这种情况,是因为该字段的变量“ searchText”在被格式化程序“ {{item.formatted_address}}”格式化之前已更改了两次。 This field is being watched by a $scope.$watch in angular-material library. 角材料库中的$ scope。$ watch正在监视此字段。 So every time it changes - they call handleSearchText() which does the search. 因此,每次更改时,他们都会调用handleSearchText()进行搜索。 So instead they should really add a "delay" concept that would fix my problem as well as fix the problem of a remote search (don't want to search every character a user types). 因此,他们应该真正添加一个“延迟”概念来解决我的问题以及解决远程搜索的问题(不想搜索用户键入的每个字符)。 It would be nice to add a delay to the autocomplete control. 向自动完成控件添加延迟会很好。 But for now I'm just modified angular-material library and it gets the work done: 但是现在我只是修改了角材料库,它完成了工作:

  function configureWatchers () {
    var wait = 700; //MY HACK
    $attrs.$observe('disabled', function (value) { ctrl.isDisabled = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
    $attrs.$observe('required', function (value) { ctrl.isRequired = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
    $attrs.$observe('readonly', function (value) { ctrl.isReadonly = $mdUtil.parseAttributeBoolean(value, false); });
    $scope.$watch('searchText', wait ? $mdUtil.debounce(handleSearchText, wait) : handleSearchText);
    $scope.$watch('selectedItem', selectedItemChange);
    angular.element($window).on('resize', positionDropdown);
    $scope.$on('$destroy', cleanup);

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